What I think about all the April Fools out there! Should all be ashamed of themselves!

It is not OK to LIE. Not even today on the April Fools Day, it is NEVER OK TO LIE! I don´t know how strong I can scream from the top and the bottom of my lungs that this tradition should be abandoned and scrutinised as it serve the world absolutely nothing but evil and brings out the worst in us.

Every year on the same date people get hurt by so called friends who lie to them on April 1st and laugh at them afterwards. I am completely against this tradition, and I want you to join my side and be a moral upstanding non-lying citizen of the world, and maybe specially in the financial world were an April Fools Joke can cause drastic and instant losses (The fact that today is Saturday is actually a good thing for top-traders & hedgefund managers since it is our day off).

If you cannot help yourself but being an April Fool, I suggest trying harder!


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