Steem delegation application form

Project Information

Please limit your responses in this section to 140 characters.
Company name

DCorp France

Place of Incorporation


Token name (if applicable)


Token Type (ERC20, Steem-Engine, SMT etc.)


Project Type (for profit business, flagging project, community, others please specify) For profit business.

Existing Delegation Received

When did you get the delegation?

January 2018

Under what terms did you receive the delegation?

That the delegation does not get abused

What was the intended purpose for the delegation?

Growing DTube

How have you applied your delegation for that purpose?

We used the voting power with the original concept of STEEM: a social network rewarding its users. 99.9% of our voting power went directly to video content uploaded on DTube and largely increased the incentive for Steemians posting and voting on DTube and powered the growth of our website.

How long are you requesting the continuation with the delegation?

24 months


Please limit responses to 300 characters.
What problem is the product/project solving?

DTube is building a new type of video sharing platform without targeted advertising, automated moderation and no collection of personal data. It replaces these with a new tokenized economy based on the Proof of Brain mechanism. It protects users digital monetization sovereignty to ensure that they cannot be abused in the same manner as occurs in other centralized and non-crypto based competing video services.

Core Team Details

Please limit responses to 500 characters for each team member.

Write short summaries about each core team member including their achievements to show they have a strong track record. Add links to their LinkedIn profiles to this section.

@heimindanger: A highly experienced full stack engineer who worked for the e-commerce industry in the past. Passionate about games, game theory and cryptography. Architect of the project, he designed, advertised, and turned DTube from an idea into a concrete project seen by millions

@Nannal: 5 years as a SysAdmin and 3 years as a security engineer. In charge of operations, he builds and maintains the DTube cluster with distributed storage and encoding power

@Macron: MSc in Finance from La Sorbonne University Paris, he founded and successfully sold a business in data security and was 1st employee of Stephane Plaza Immobilier, the fastest growing real estate network in France. He is in charge of strategy & business development

@Hetmasteen: C-level position in fast-growing start-ups and ex-strategy consultant, he is in charge of user growth and partnerships. Worked for Google and La Ruche Qui Dit Oui!, European leader for decentralized food distribution

@Steeminator3000: Community and Curation manager Dtube, he is in charge of creating a healthy relationship with the community, create feedback channels and moderate the content flow.
3 years work experience in the crypto space and a PR assistant at various organizations in Turkey (Tema Vakfi, Piri Reis Denizcilik Vakfi and TLC Turkey, a TV Channel mostly focused on reality shows and rebranded version of CNBC-e in 2015)

Minimum Viable Products

Please limit responses to 500 characters per product.

Provide links to your minimum viable products and describe it. If it is not available, please describe it and include how you plan to build it and when it will be built. is world's #1 Dapp for video and the only fully decentralized video sharing site on the Steem blockchain. It was one of the very first DApp on Steem and has grown to international recognition with extensive press coverage in mainstream outlets.

Business Strategy

Please limit responses in this section to 250 characters per question.

Fiat Revenue Strategy: [E.g. We plan to sell NFTs which represent in-game items for US Dollars]

We will launch a merchandising store (by Q4,2019) and have struck a partnership with the Brave browser referral program, and have plans to provide advertising to non-logged users.

Fiat Revenue Projections in $/user every month: [E.g. $10/user]


How will your business strategy increase the amount of STEEM being powered up and/or burnt?

With the DTube platform, users are encouraged to increase their voting power to promote videos on the steem blockchain and its many interfaces. In addition, our DApp attracts new users who are required to have an account on Steem and through their activities we believe we are growing the number of accounts who are powering up and burning steem.

What financial incentives are you willing to provide to Steemit, Inc. and/or the Steem Community in return for the delegation? i.e. What's your skin in the game? [E.g. project tokens, revenue-share, etc.]
(Without a return there's not a partnership, it's simply a contribution, and one that's easily left behind. In order to encourage businesses and communities to commit to the Steem blockchain and ecosystem long term there needs to be both a contract and a mutually benefical partnership.)

We have provided an offical offer to Steemit Inc of our native DTube Coin token that we don't feel it suitable to disclose publicly. We will however be providing DTC to our users based on their previous earnings on DTube.

Are you or how will you become financially sustainable once the delegation is removed?

We will be utilising our own token for funding & as previously mentioned have plans for merchandise, non-targetted advertising & plans for further strategic partnerships.

KPI Progress Measurement

Please limit each KPI description in this section to 100 characters.

Suggest at least 3 KPI’s per project with which to measure the progress of your project(s) in its(their) current phase. KPI’s must be measurable and objective (a percentage or numerical value), or binary (yes / no or completed / not completed).

Please note:

  • KPIs are to be reviewed and evaluated by the committee in the next quarter.
  • KPI descriptions shouldn't change without a change request form.
  • Targets will be adjusted every quarter in future appliction.
  • Refer to this post for sample/suggested KPIs.

KPI1 description: Monthly Unique visitors
KPI1 target: 1 Million

KPI2 description: Monthly Active Users
KPI2 target: 20,000

KPI3 description: Monthly Revenue
KPI3 target: $40,000

Token Offering (If Applicable)

If you are planning on offering a token, please fill out details below. Otherwise, if you haven’t tokenized, but still provide a service, please describe the service and the amount of that service that you’re offering to perform for Steemit and/or the Steem community in exchange for the delegation.

Token Details

Please limit responses to each question in this section to 10 characters.

Token Launch date

Q4, 2019

Total Token Supply at launch

100 Million

Fundraising target (in order to fund expansion into the operational / project growth phase / mass market adoption)

$2 Million

Yearly inflation

This is variable based on the number of active users.

Percentage of total token supply that will be airdropped to ALL Steem stakeholders (a/k/a SP holders) in proportion to their SP

50% of the total amount will be airdropped to Steem users based on their previous earnings on the DTube platform.

How many tokens and what percentage of your token supply will you offer Steemit Inc. / the Steem Community in exchange for the delegation?

An offer has been made to Steemit Inc.

Do you plan to launch an IEO, ICO, STO or other public token offering?

Yes, IEO of 25 Million DTC.

Do you plan to raise money from other investors?

Not at this time.

What is the vesting period for the following:
a) Team members

24 Months.

b) Early / seed round investors


c) ICO investors

Until Mainnet launch

What is the % token distribution to:
a) Team

25% for all steem users who contributed to the project.

b) Marketing


If you haven't tokenized, but still provide a service, please describe the service and the amount of that service that you're offering to perform for Steemit and/or the Steem community in exchange for the delegation.

Delegation Request

Please limit responses in this section to 10 characters.

How much of a delegation are you requesting? Limit your requests to one of the three tiers: Top-Tier, Mid-Tier or Test-Tier.


Specify the desired time frame for the delegation in 6 month increments: [E.g. 6 months, 1 year, etc.]

24 months

Which one of the following answers best describes how the delegation will be used to add direct value to Steem:
A. It will be used to create new accounts.
B. It will be used to give new accounts 15 SP to give them the resources needed to use Steem and purchase goods and/or services through our platform.
C. It will be used to incentivize the creation of content that promotes Steem / your project on external platforms.
D. It will be used to provide limited trial or discount services to clients to encourage them to hold Steem and delegate in the future.
E. Other: Please describe.

A, C, D + E: Increasing the overall's quality of STEEM's content through a 100% manual curation of the video content. This includes content moderation.


We agree that our business will continue to leverage the Steem blockchain as long as we are receiving a delegation and 1 year following the removal of the delegation. During this time we also agree to promote the Steem blockchain as a valuable technological protocol that delivers unique value. We are willing to sign a legally binding contract with Steemit, Inc. to this effect.

Renewal Questions: Impact to Date Since the Start of Delegations

DTube's vision is to provide an ethical alternative to other videos platforms like YouTube. As such, tracking of our users is naturally something we intend to avoid wherever possible. As a result we are unable to answer many of these questions and feel that divulging such information may not be in the best interest of our userbase.

Table 1 (Totals)

QuarterQ4 2017Q1 2018Q2 2018Q3 2018Q4 2018Q1 2019Q2 2019July 2019August 2019
(1)* # Users onboardedN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
(2a) Users (Steem)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A88000
(2b) Users (non steem)000000000
(3) ImpressionsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
(4) Value disbursed from delegation (USD)_______
(5) External Revenue (USD)000000000
(6) Steem Powered Up (Project Accounts)000000000
(7) Steem Powered Up (Clients)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
(8) Steem Power Delegated (Community)000000000
(9a) KPI 1 (Monthly Unique Visitors)0.7M4.1M2.5M1.4M1M1.2M1.2M1MN/A
(9b) KPI 2 (Monthly Active Users)_______
(9c) KPI 3 (Monthly Revenues)_______
(10a) Steem burned000000000
(10b) SBD burned000000000

* SteemIt staff could easily pull those numbers from the referral of the steemit's registration page.

Table 2: Steem Power Delegated Per Client


Questions (Where applicable, fill in tables above)

Please fill out the answers to these qustions as best as you can. If it is not applicable to your project please put N/A. You will be asked to upload spreadsheet data in the Google Form, you can clone samples from here: ( Table 1 | Table 2 ).

How many new accounts have been created using your projects' account this quarter?


a) How many Steem accounts are interacting with your project (this includes guest accounts as well as Steem user accounts)

More than 12,200 since 6/24/2019, we believe the number of total steemians who have interacted with DTube to be well over 100K.

b) How many Guest (non Steem) accounts are interacting with your project

We have no method of distinguishing non-steem from steem users, however we have had 502,081 unique visitors over the past 30 days.

How many impressions is your project getting?

79,005,646 over the past 30 days.

What is the total quarterly (USD) value of rewards disbursed directly tied to the delegation? (can be a negative number of your projects is a flagging project)

How much external revenue have you generated in USD per quarter? Do not count Steem income from curation / voting.


How much revenue have you brought to Steem as measured by total STEEM powered up through your project's Steem accounts


How much Steem is delegated to your project to manage on behalf of your clients? (fill sum in table 1, and show break down by client on table 2)


How much Steem Power is delegated to your project from the Steem community?


For the KPIs listed above, back report progress for the duration of the delegation on a quarter by quarter basis.

How much Steem / SBD has your project burned?

~1,000SBD from posted articles

Describe what value the project continues to bring to the Steem community and why the community should continue to support your project?

Dtube is Steems original and premier video platform. DTube offers users the unique ability to fully control their videos by either self hosting, relying on ipfs pinning services, using DTubes own infrastructure or using third party oembed services. It actively works towards protecting user's free speech it has not engaged in promoting overt hatespeech and prides itself on it's experienced team of video curators and it's userbase's ability to ensure that only high-quality material which is of interest to the community is within the trending and hot feeds.

The majority of this content is vlog style videos which provides our user base with an alternative outlet for media creation beyond the limitations of the blog platforms.

DTube is also the most active video platform on Steem, with an average of one video being posted every three minutes. In comparison, its closest rival currently averages merely one tenth of that activity.

We've had over two million SP fully utilized by our curation team since december 2017 with lapses in activity being rare events. We believe this shows an on-going commitment to ensuring that content is manually curated by humans rather than automatic voting for the projects friends or its largest benefactors.

We feel that it is understandable that Steemians are concerned about our Avalon blockchain ventures. However, we hope, that by allowing Steemians the ample time we have to claim their accounts, and by retaining Steem as a core part of our platform, we have suitably demonstrated that we have been and will be committed to Steem.

Describe your project roadmap with expected timelines and milestones.

We're currenly developing new features, enhancing video playback, expanding our video storage solution and working with legal teams to ensure we are compliant with every aspect of the law. Through these avenues we aim to be able to scale as needed.


  • Full launch DTube v1
  • Mobile Apps
  • UI redesign


  • DTC Initial Exchange Offering
  • DTC Airdrop
  • Launch Referral Program


  • Decentralized and centralized storage optimization
  • Browser extensions for voting on across other video platforms
  • Introduction of distributed Livestreaming
  • DTC open trading
  • DTC open tradability on markets

Q2, 2020:

  • Loading optimisations (Self-built global CDN)
  • Adaptive streaming
  • Reintroduction of 720 & 1080p
  • Launch Merchandising shop

Proof of burn :

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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