first apple computer historay

first apple computer historay

Mac Computer 1, likewise referred to later as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is a PC discharged by the Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) in 1976. It was outlined and hand-worked by Steve Wozniak. Wozniak's companion Steve Jobs had offering the computer[citation needed]. The Apple I was Apple's first item, and to fund its creation, Jobs sold his exclusive mechanized methods for transportation, a VW Microbus, for a couple of hundred dollars, and Steve Wozniak sold his HP-65calculator for $500; in any case, Wozniak said that Jobs intended to utilize his bike if important. It was exhibited in July 1976 at the Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California.

Creation was suspended on September 30, 1977, after the June 10, 1977 presentation of its successor, the Apple II, which Byte magazine alluded to as a major aspect of the "1977 Trinity" of individualized computing (alongside the PET 2001 and the TRS-80).


On March 5, 1975, Steve Wozniak went to the main gathering of the Homebrew Computer Club in Gordon French's carport. He was inspired to the point that he instantly set to take a shot at what might turn into the Apple I computer.[7]After building it for himself and indicating it at the Club, he and Steve Jobs gave out schematics (specialized outlines) for the PC to intrigued club individuals and even helped some of them construct and test out duplicates. At that point, Steve Jobs recommended that they plan and offer a solitary scratched and silkscreened circuit board—only the uncovered board, no electronic parts—that individuals could use to manufacture the PCs. Wozniak ascertained that having the board configuration laid out would cost $1,000 and assembling would cost another $20 per board; he planned to recover his expenses if 50 individuals purchased the sheets for $40 each. To support this little wander, their first organization, Jobs sold his van and Wozniak sold his HP-65 adding machine. Soon after, Steve Jobs organized to offer "something like 50" totally fabricated PCs to the Byte Shop (a PC store in Mountain View, California) at $500 each. To satisfy the $25,000 arrange, they got $20,000 in parts at 30 days net and conveyed the completed item in 10 days.


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