Apple's CryptoKit , is a step towards blockchain or Crypto currency ?

Apple in recently worldwide developer's conference announced it's CryptoKit which will allows developers implement hashing, key generation and exchange, and encryption on iOS apps and replacing Apple’s previous framework, CommonCrypto.

It is a really great sign that Apple is gearing up for it's ride in to development of crypto currency Apps and block chain technology.

Still they avoided use of these technical terms, sure it is some thing new to do with them. CryptoKit will be made available in the upcoming iOS13 update.

According to details shared, cryptography tool set will let developers “compute and compare cryptographically secure digests, use public-key cryptography to evaluate digital signatures, and to perform key exchange,” according to documentation from Apple.

Apple has always skeptical towars terms of crypto currency and blockchain. On two occasions 2013 & 2014, it even removed "Coinbase" – along with a host of other crypto-related App – from its App store, citing an unresolved issue.

Sure it is going to be realy competative and we can witness rise of new crypto curriences as Facebook also gearing up for its new "Global coin" launch.

But when I compare anything with these STEEM, the major strength is steem is already got huge community around it to protect and a lot of Dapps are coming everyday. we should do a little more work to make steem mass adoption before new currency takes place.

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