


Short Story:

My Name is Onur Sezer and I was born on 7th September 1993 in Wuerzburg, Germany. Until my I was 9 I lived in Bavaria. 2002 my Family and I moved to Stuttgart. It is the area of Mercedes Benz. I am only 26 years old but have experienced more than most of my age.

Things like moving, youth homes and more I have experienced. But these things have made me who I am today. I am proud of every mistake I have made. Because we don't know which stone, whether it is positive or negative, is responsible for our success.

I have only just begun my journey because I have found my passion, something I enjoy, something that makes me happy and I can also earn money.

If you want to know more about my story then go to my profile on Steemit and read my story as a blog.


Me about 2 years old

I am Onur Sezer and I was born on 7th September 1993 in Wuerzburg, Ger- many. My childhood in Wuerzburg was very familiar as my uncle, aunts, grandparents and cousins also lived in Wuerzburg. We had a family meet- ing every Friday. The whole family met at my grandparents' house. The older cousins sat together in the kit- chen, the little cousins always played pillow fight in my grandparents' bed- room and the adults sat in the living room and talked.

I grew up right in front of the American barracks and when I mean right in front of the barracks, I really mean it. The entrance to the barracks was 20 feet from our apartment. I could literally wave to the soldiers from the living room window. That's probably why I like English and America so much. I was still a child and I think I was 5 years old but the first girl I said "I love you" was an American. I think in 2008 the army was withdrawn and the area for the barracks was given to the city, where a new district has been built.

Source: Google Maps/Earth & Google Picture


Stuttgart Skyline
Source: Google Picture

Today I am who I am because in my whole life people always wanted to decide about me. Their excuses were always "I only want the best for you" or "I only mean well". But I knew then intuitively that they were lying or lying to themselves. It was always all about power for them. To position yourself above another person and if you do that as a parent or educator, you will always defend yourself against that person, just like I did and because I did I become to a person who gives a damn shit about what people in the system say.

Old Picture but my old 4 high-rise Neighbourhood
Source: Google Picture

In 2002 we moved with my family from Bavaria to Baden-Württemberg, another state in Germany. From then on everything started to go wrong. 4 years later my parents divorced, 2 years after that I visited a youth home for 1 year. The move alone was already hard for me as a 9 year old. New town, new people. I had no friends and on Fridays I was alone. I used to have cousins on Fridays but after the move I was on my own. My siblings who were 2 years (brother) and 4 years (sister) old in 2002 could not really do much with their older brother. Thus I began to come on the so-called crooked course. I started to run away from home in puberty and to skip school.


My old Youth Center & old room
Source: Google Earth

In 2008 I pulled the rip cord myself before the youth welfare office did it itself. I talked to the head of the youth welfare office and made a deal with him. I stop running away and for that I return to Bavaria to my hometown to a youth home. I made this deal so that I could see my family there. But as the youth welfare office in whichever country is deceitful, they put me in a youth home where bars are in front of the window and I was only allowed to go out for a maximum of 45 minutes a day, which I had to work for. The worst thing was that I was not allowed to leave the district and the irony is that my family lived outside the district. In other words I was ripped off. So much for trusting the system.


Source: Google Pictures

Yeah, as the headline says, youth centers. In the youth center in Bavaria I made my degree. Before I ran away from home and skipped school, I went to secondary school. Unfortunately I had to sit 2 times and had to go down one grade. After that the truancy started because I did not care about school anymore. Ironically, I graduated with an excellent grade point average of 1.25. With this average I broke the record of the last school year 2007, which was 1.75, and became the student with the best average of the whole city.

In the summer of 2009 I went to Sinsheim to start my apprenticeship, but broke it off in 2010 because the youth home was no longer for me and I also had the right to decide for myself at the age of 16. Back in Stuttgart I moved in 2010 March with my father, where I still live today. Unfortunately I had to repeat my degree because the Bavarian one was not recognized in Baden-Württemberg. Of course I finished it again very well, I think something with 1.5 average. After 2 years of business school with focus on "Business Administration", I finished it in 2013 with a certificate and a good average.

I used to work at Shell

Since my childhood I dreamed to become a rapper or to be active in the industry somehow. But gave up this dream today about 6 years ago. I simply had too little experience how to reach goals or dreams. After my graduation I worked in various jobs and made my experience as an employee.I often worked at the gas station, at various temporary jobs. In 2018 I even worked at Mercedes Benz for half a year. Since the beginning of 2019 I took a complete break from everything, so that I could become aware of what I actually want from life.

Me November 2016 with 120 KG/264 LBS

In whole years I gained too much weight. In 2016 I decided to lose weight through diet and a little fitness. Well, the fitness didn't work out that well but the nutrition did. I lost about 10 kilos from November 2016 to July 2017. 2017 July I met my mentor who was also my personal trainer. Thanks to him I lost almost 20 kilos/44 LBS, 5 kilos/11 LBS in the first month alone. I trained on his schedule, four times a week. Many people noticed the progress I was making, they even thought I was injecting myself. But everything was natural and hard work. I started with 30 kilos/66 LBS squats and 6 months later I could lift 100 kilos/220 LBS. Unfortunately my trainer closed his gym for health reasons. Thanks to him I still have my old plans and as soon as I can take some time I will get back to my old form. I have decreased in the last 2 years and now weigh about 110 kg/242 LBS but with muscle mass this time.

Body Form Summer 2017

@angelodaflos & Me , April 2017 on Crete in Greek

Through my Mentor & Personaltrainer I got into the cryptoscene and learned a lot about Blockchain. Invested in various crypto network marketing companies, of course, made my loss. But I got to know contacts that are worth more than the money I lost. Rich People but not because of their Money but because of their knowledge. Here on the right you can see me and @angelodaflos because I got to know him personally on Crete. I would even lose twice as much just to know such a person at all. I am very grateful for the contacts, for the experience.

Screenshot Tobias Beck "Public Speaking Academy"

In the network marketing companies I met the topic "personality development" and watched motivation videos from experts and adopted their mindset. This is how I discovered my passion. I can talk and that very much. Now I only have to pack a content into the talking. So I learned more about motivation, goals etc.. One of my role models and mentor in motivation and speaking offers a seminar in Germany for 7000€ to learn how to become a professional public speaker. This is my current goal of course among other things that I am still planning.


Thanks for reading dear community. That was my life so roughly. What is important is the past. Because our past is our present. Many say you shouldn't dwell in the past. But I say you should but you have to be grateful for everything, even the negative things. Yes my parents split up, I was in a youth center etc. but I am the person I am today because of that. If only one thing changed, I wouldn't be the person I am today.




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