Enjoying the small things while I still can, slowly realizing I’ll be missing them ...

... very soon.

Today, it’s 2 years since my family brought home Shiva as a puppy. It’s also my last week living in Stavanger before moving to Oslo, meaning I won’t be seeing her as regularly as I’ve been doing for the past year and a half. Nor will I be having the opportunity to do my daily afternoon walk alongside this beautiful lake the way I’ve gotten used to.

When my family got our new dog two years ago, I was still living in Paris but occasionally visited home for Easter holiday and a few long weekends. When I later moved back to my home town in the summer the same year to commit full-time to building @steempress, I also established some new habits fitting my new life as an entrepreneur. Having an apartment 5 minutes from my family’s place, it became a daily routine to go take Shiva for an afternoon walk around 2pm while the sun was still up. A luxury to have, considering most working people needing to spend their time in an office would hardly see the sunlight at all during much of the winter. Combine that with having a large lake just a few minutes down from where I live, and you get the idea.

After two years of living in the city centre of Paris, this has been a stark and positive contrast. One that I’ve come to treasure a lot. I don’t know yet exactly what surroundings I’ll have for the long term in Oslo, but it won’t be quite the same and it will be on the other side of the country as Shiva. So for my last few days in Stavanger, these are some of the moments I plan to enjoy the most.

What about you? What small things do you currently have which you may take for granted at the moment, but would sorely miss if it was taken away?


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