Secret Garden: The TARC Trail Project

From the road, the TARC property lacks curb appeal. As time goes by, we hope to improve this. But deeper into the woods, along the creek, our land has an almost magical quality. We've unearthed many treasures as we blaze trails and explore, such as multiple artesian wells, a working spring house, and the makings of our own secret garden.

@catherine813 and I spent the last few days clearing a walking trail so we can give the dogs additional activity. That girl is as strong as an ox! I saw her lift and move rocks that I couldn't even budge. The energy of youth--it never ceases to amaze. She shoveled mulch into a garden wagon, hauled it through the woods, hacked away at briars and brambles and small trees while I huffed and puffed and occasionally operated the weed eater. (We won't talk about her falling backward into a wild rose bush. No. We won't mention that at all.) She was the first to take a dog for a walk on the part of the trail we finished, too. She definitely earned that right.

From the upper porch of the house, the trail head is visible, but doesn't look very impressive.

From the parking area, it can't be seen at all.

But on top of the tiny hill, the trail head beckons: "Come walk me!"

The first small meadow is the site of our future rose garden. I can't wait to see them all in bloom beside the creek, once we get the sticks and clutter moved and the ground tended.

Past the rose garden, the trail leads further down the creek.

This is where Catherine and I started work today. Orient yourself using the small upright tree at the top left of this image.

Find that tree in the same relative spot in the following photo, and you'll see what we got done!

We worked on a little farther, around the corner to yet another artesian well that springs from underneath the roadway above.

Just beyond range of the last photo, the trail opens into a second small meadow. We'll start there tomorrow. Past that, we'll open the trail to an area of the creek we call "The Bend." The land makes a natural curve back toward the foot bridge. We'll have to move some earth and a whole lot of thorn bushes to get down to the creek, but the deer have cleared it out from there. The ground is covered in hoof prints near the water.

I'll post more pictures as we go. Hopefully we're close to having this trail completely open. My only regret is that our entire Steemit family can't come enjoy it with us!

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