The entire concept of apostasy is an act of child abuse.


A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Sarah Haider who, despite being many years younger than me, I regard as a personal heroine.

She's the founder of Ex-Muslims of North America.

For anybody familiar with too much of Muslim culture, not all, just too much, you know that apostasy from Islam is rarely a minor offense. I once dated a girl from a Muslim family which would have disowned her if they ever knew that she was dating me. In thirteen countries, apostasy is a capital offense. In much more of the world, apostasy is met with anything ranging from losing any connection with your family and community to death.

Namely, committing apostasy is one of the bravest things that a person who is raised Muslim can be guilty of.

Before anybody jumps on me to claim that this is an islamophobic rant, it's not. It is acknowledging a shocking reality that too many people aren't willing to talk about; but, there's a broader problem here.

Yes, I think that it's important to teach children certain values. But, making apostasy illegal and punishable by death is transferring the guilt of the parents to the children. It takes moral orthodoxy to the extreme of absolute certitude to the point that people are willing to kill when somebody says, "You know what, I don't think that an angel re-dictated the story of Moses turning his staff into a snake five times to an illiterate business man." The entire concept of apostasy is an act of child abuse.

The thing is, we're doing it all the time and we're enabling it even more often than that.

Children are innocent, credulous, and suggestable. They trust their parents to know more than they do. A child born to Jehovah's Witnesses needs to do a lot of work that we don't have to do to decide to leave the faith and give his or her kid a blood transfusion if needed. A kid who was born to a couple of neo-Nazis has an uphill battle in rejecting those ideas.

The people who do want to take that leap and face the whips and scorns of their own community - their family, deserve all of the support that we can give them. A person with the courage to leave a past of association with skinheads is infinitely more brave than any SJW.

The woke mob should lose all credibility when it embraces the concept of original sin. When the woke mob will march for Linda Sarsour while slandering Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the mob should lose our support. When the woke mob will ignore that thirteen countries will murder you for leaving a religion and rail mercilessly against the one Jewish state, we should stop letting them say that they're standing up for the minorities, the downtrodden, and the oppressed without challenge. We should disrespect every and any self-proclaimed secularists who won't acknowledge the bravery of people who reject what they've been taught from the cradle.

If you wanna claim that you're better and more accepting - be better. I don't think there's a woke person on the planet who I regard as better.

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