Why is Pi important?

I found an article recently and wanted to share a connecting story.

In October (28-30), 2016, using geometry, I had discovered the True value of Pi, after which I told my good friend Phillip about this.

He had suggested that I should publish it and that I could even win a noble prize or something. However even though I had the intention to publish it, I never did do any of this. I had procrastinated despite the possible benefits, yes, this was one of my unwanted habit. Well truth be told, because I am not a scientist I had found this a bit daunting, which led to my inaction.

I had told my friend then, the reason I had gotten into solving for the true value of Pi in the first place was because Mr. Eduard Meier of FIGU had published in his writings, that the presently used value of Pi is incorrect. And he had also stated some benefits which will come about from correcting the value of Pi.

After reading what Mr. Meier had said, I decided to verify this for myself and use it as a means to weigh further on the veracity of the Meier material. I had come to this answer Pi = 4 / sqrt Phi = 3.144605511... which when mathematically applied to reality proved accurate, unlike the old incorrect value of Pi (3.141592654...) which gave more of an approximated result.

Needless to say, Mr. Meier was right, and Pi was indeed wrong. But most importantly, I had no need to believe him because I had proven this for myself and knew it to be true.

So why say all of this?

While, I understood that solving for the True value of Pi would pave the way for new abundant and renewable energies to be discovered, along with all its interconnected benefits. I, however never truly realized how far reaching and of how imminently serious and important this simple discovery was until I read this article, which I had alluded to earlier.

Now, knowing that the value of Pi used in the article is the same as the answer I had arrived at, 3.144605511... (True Pi), I can clearly see (understand) that what is stated in the article is correct. Now if this is so, then what about the implications?

This has made me realize the gravity (seriousness) of inaction. Fortunately Harry Lear, who had made this discovery separately from myself, had taken the initiative and had been proactive, hence his open letter to President Trump article.

This is important, if nothing is done to prevent the impact of Apophis, how much will the life of each of us here on Earth change? If what you can imagine is not to your liking, ask yourself the next question, how can I make a difference? Strive to fine an answer then follow through with it. After all, whatever answers you think up and decide to act on, will be better than inaction.

Now, apart from brining to our attention the incorrect value of Pi and also the threat Apophis poses, there are many other events of importance which Mr. Meier speaks about in his published works. And while not everything related to the Meier case can been proven (due to lack of technological development in most cases), ever so often, just like events relating to the inaccuracy of Pi and the threat of Apophis, more and more things published by Mr. Meier are proven to be true and requires no belief.

Publications which are dated and copyrighted and whose validity are immutable, by which they vindicate themselves.

Now I can understand that not everything Mr. Meier states will be a persons cup of tea (to a persons liking). Still, even if you are not in agreement with everything (and you should not simply be), this does not mean that a person should throw out the baby along with the bathwater (disregard what is beneficent along with what is deemed erroneous), so to speak. Instead, strive to personally prove things, to yourself.

So, with an objective mindset, go and check out the Meier case for yourself and the wealth of benefit the information he provides offers each person. Do not simply rely on someone be they intellectuals, sceptics or otherwise, to think for you and decide for you, your views on the Meier case.

Here is a good example of this. Even though I had not made the connection between Pi and Apophis I remember writing to a very notable space institute, The Spaceguard Centre, regarding Apophis on 31, October 2015 and this was their response from the 4, November 2015.

Dear Mr Anderson,

Apophis (2004MN4) does pose a minimal risk for it's fly-by in 2036, but that risk is way below the normal background. These data are based on observation and mathematics, so the results are verifiable and repeatable, unlike the supposed messages from some undefined extra-terrestrial entity. Why wouldn't such an individual make it's warning directly to those who have the ability to verify the data?

The gravitational influence of an, as yet, undiscovered object could certainly affect the orbit of 2004MN4, but since no such object has been discovered such speculation remains just that.

I am totally confident in the data produced by NASA/JPL and ESA SSA as it is verifiable independently, and has been so verified. The sums are right.

Apophis will not hit the Earth, so there are no specific plans to deal with that eventuality.

Jay Tate
The Spaceguard Centre

It is clear that Mr. Tate had made a mistake and dismissed everything relating to the Meier case. So relying on others, even intellectuals, to decide your views on the Meier case is truly unwise. For they are humans too and can also make mistakes.

In light of the fact that, Pi (3.141592654...) is incorrect, what does this mean for the accuracy of the underlying mathematics which rely on Pi, and on which Mr. Tate had based his confidence on?
What does this say about the verifiability of the data?

It is clear that being an authority in an area of study does not guarantee accuracy at all times. For while well intentioned, the reality is that as humans, we are prone to making mistakes. So with the underlying Mathematics clearly inaccurate, due to the inaccuracy of value of Pi used in the calculations, the question must be asked;

What does this means for the emphatic claims that "The sums are right" and "Apophis will not hit the Earth"?

As I had said before, a person should not throw out the baby along with the bathwater. Instead be objective when going through the Meier material, regardless of the extraordinary things you may encounter.

So, why is Pi important?

Well for me it is simple, it has thought me the gravity of inaction. Something I hope you have all realized.
Hence, I encourage you all to be proactive regarding these matters. Let get the governments and institutions around the world under whose responsibility things like the danger of Apophis falls, to do just that, be responsible and work jointly together in an effort to deflect Apophis.

Yours truly,
S. Anderson

Here are some other links which may prove useful.

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