APOLLOX: An e-commerce platform without comparison.


Ecommerce has become a world wild phenomenon whereby Activities like purchasing and vendors' transaction are carried out online or on the net. This activity has made purchasing and vending of commodities easy as it can be done in the comfort of your room, at any time. The beauty is there is nothing that is not readily available because there exist countless platforms which involved in this activity. Though these platforms have committed the whole of there ability to ensure that this process has been great and their efforts are really appreciated but there exist some advancement in technology which has brought more efficiency, transparency and cost reduction to the process. This advancement in technology has led to the establishment of a platform named Apollox network. Apollox is an E-Commerce platform which is aimed at the empowerment of a world electronic commerce that is decentralized. This platform was established for the construction of applications for a decentralized electronic commerce but employ the service of the blockchain. Apollox employed decentralization and also tokenization to substitute the ancient enterprise with the adoption of a recent model of full shopping security, data protection and minimize commission.

Why is apollox preferred to other e-commerce platforms?

  1. The employment of a marketplace that is decentralized. This enhances purchasing and vending in the absence of intermediary. This platform ensures the provision of all the merits of vending and purchasing transaction via a marketplace which is void of irrelevant costs that accompanied intermediary that is monopolistic.

  2. Apollox has put in place an ecosystem that is decentralized to link the purchasing agent and the vendor with efficiency and confidence, coupled with zero commission and information silo.

  3. Apollox has made available a layer of protocol that allows decentralized electronic commerce application easy and made blockchain services rendition simple.

  4. The existence of a community that rewards All member that provides values to the whole community is another great edge over all other e-commerce platforms.

With our decentralization, you stand to enjoy:

A community that stipulates confidence at no cost by engaging smart contract. Instead of paying excessively on endorsement commission which makes trust a commodity that is extremely expensive with a centralized E-Commerce.

With our decentralized system, there is a control of data access with high transparency. This represents the ancient Centralized system where Consumer's confidential data are lost. And vendors face competition which is not fair with the marketplace.

This platform tokenization ensures that the incentives are aligned between the users and Apollox by so doing promote the healthy growth of the community. Apollox network had provided tokens in form of the rebate, rewards for loyalty deal programs across all the apollox network. Due to the fact that this token can as well be used for the purchase of all products on Apollox, this token, in turn, give a reward to customers and as well engage them on the platform.

ICO information

The token identity is APXT,

One APXT is 0.0055USD,

Token : Ethereum based

The soft cap is 6,000,000 USD and hard carp is 14,000,000usd.


If you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment.

For more information visit the following links:

Website: https://apollox.network/
Twitter @apolloX_network
Telegram: ApolloX Group
Facebook: ApolloXNetwork

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