Cosmic Eye

Avalokitesvara by Alex Grey

I enjoy seeing the work of visionary artist Alex Gray. One of his works, Collective Vision is thought as a modern variation of Avalokitesvara. We may one day acquire this Cosmic Eye through meditation. But the achievement of it must be manifested in moral growth. Meditation and practice can never fall apart from ethics. There is this expression in the Confucian scriptures.


"What ten eyes behold, what ten hands point to, is to be regarded with reverence!" Riches adorn a house, and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded, and the body is at ease. Therefore, the superior man must make his thoughts sincere. 大學 - Da Xue

Collective Vision by Alex Grey

Although preconceptions and assumptions were relatively accurate, it was the depth and universal magnitude of inspiration and knowledge that proved most interesting. Finding the focus of the subject and pursuing research demonstrated the creative process as personal development, an inspiring and motivating exploration of the boundless possibilities found within. Research Reflections

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