Makanan khas aceh yaitu timphan

timphan is one of the traditional cakes originating from Aceh. This one cake includes a type of wet cake made from basic materials of sticky rice and plantain. In it there are usually various variants of content such as grated coconut or srikaya. Kue Timpan is one of the traditional food that is quite famous in Aceh, and is often presented as the main menu during the holidays.

Uniqueness And Privileges Traditional food is typical of aceh timphan

One of the uniqueness of traditional food is aceh timphan aceh this is a material made from a mixture of banana ketandan. The combination of these two ingredients will certainly produce a unique blend of flavors and very distinctive. Also supported by the contents of cakes made from grated coconut or srikaya certainly make this one more food feels special.

Processing Process Traditional food typical aceh timphan

As mentioned earlier, Kue Timpan is a wet cake made from sticky rice and banana. The banana used is usually a plantain, because it has a smooth texture and a pretty strong aroma. As for the contents of Kue Timpan can be made from grated coconut, banana,

or srikaya. In addition, for banana leaves used are usually a young banana leaf. Because in addition to more flexible, young banana leaves can also add to the smell on the cake when steamed.

In the process of making it, first must make the dough sticky and banana first. To make it, coconut milk, banana, and glutinous rice flour are cooked. Then add the sugar and salt little by little and stir slowly until cooked.

chill a few moments. Once cool, the dough is then rolled up or rolled into one. Then after making the dough is complete, followed by making the contents of Kue Timpan. For the content of grated coconut and srikaya, it is usually done in a slightly different way and in accordance with each ingredient.

After the dough and the contents of the timpan are ready, then proceed with making Kue Timpan. To make it, the banana leaf spread over the cork and put a spoon of sticky rice on it. After that, give the contents of enough timpan, and roll the dough until the contents of the timpan covered batter. Then batter the dough with banana leaves and steam until cooked.

Processing above just a little picture about the way of processing Cake Timpan. So for those of you who want to make your own, you can find a more detailed recipe and more to your liking.

Traditional food typical aceh timphanini has a very distinctive taste, a mixture of sweet and savory taste of glutinous dough would provide its own sensation when we eat it. Supported with the contents of timpan made from grated coconut or srikaya certainly make the taste of Kue Timpan is more delicious. In addition, the texture is smooth and the smell of bananas increasingly makes the taste of Kue Timpan is more complete.

Culinary Traditional food typical aceh timphan

Traditional food is typical aceh timphan is one of the traditional food is quite famous in the region of Aceh. Basically this cake is only specially presented during holidays just by the people of Aceh. But for those of you who travel there and want to enjoy it, you can directly look at the gift shop there.

Traditional food ingredients typical aceh timphan

5 eggs (chicken), whipped off
250 grams of sugar
50 grams of wheat flour
300 ml thick coconut milk
1 sheet of pandan leaves, torn
1/2 teaspoon salt
100 grams of jackfruit, cut into pieces
5 ripe plantains
400 grams of sticky rice flour
250 ml of medium coconut milk
Cooking oil is used for banana leaf spread
Young banana leaves, used for wrapping
How to Make Traditional food aceh timphan:

Beat the chicken eggs along with the sugar until the sugar is broken and dissolved. Enter the flour and coconut milk alternately while still shuffled. then enter the pandan leaves and salt. Cook while stirring until thickened. Next after the condensed lift and set aside temporarily.
Blend the plantains, then mix with glutinous rice and salt. then stir the dough by hand while poured with coconut milk. Knead until the dough is clay and can be formed.
Take a young banana leaf, apply it with a little oil. Give 1 tablespoon of banana batter. Flatten the dough and fill it with 1 teaspoon of stuffing stuff. place the jackfruit slices on top. Then fold the banana leaf until it wraps the whole dough. Steam for about 30 minutes. Lift if it is ripe.
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