Correcting Ourselves in Anxious and Tense Times

In today's world, it seems like we are constantly bombarded with bad news and stressful events. Whether it's the ongoing pandemic, political turmoil, or personal issues, it can be hard to feel calm and centered. In these anxious and tense times, it's more important than ever to take care of ourselves and practice self-care. One important aspect of self-care is the ability to recognize when we've made a mistake and take steps to correct it.


However, admitting to a mistake and correcting it can be difficult, especially when we're feeling overwhelmed and stressed. We may feel embarrassed, ashamed, or worried about the consequences of our actions. But it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes – it's a natural part of being human. By acknowledging our mistakes and taking steps to correct them, we can improve our relationships, grow as individuals, and ultimately lead happier, healthier lives.

So, how can we go about correcting ourselves in anxious and tense times? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Acknowledge the mistake
The first step in correcting ourselves is to admit that we made a mistake. This can be hard to do, especially if we're feeling defensive or overwhelmed. But it's important to recognize that making mistakes is a normal part of life, and acknowledging them is the first step towards making things right.

Take responsibility for the mistake
Once we've acknowledged the mistake, it's important to take full responsibility for it. This means not making excuses, blaming others, or trying to shift the blame. By taking responsibility, we show that we are willing to take ownership of our actions and are committed to making things right.

If the mistake has affected someone else, it's important to apologize for any harm that may have been caused. This doesn't mean groveling or begging for forgiveness, but rather expressing sincere remorse and a willingness to make amends.

Make amends
Depending on the nature of the mistake, it may be necessary to make amends in some way. This could involve repairing damaged property, offering financial compensation, or simply apologizing and promising to do better in the future. The key is to take action to show that we are committed to correcting the mistake and making things right.

Learn from the mistake
Finally, it's important to reflect on the mistake and consider what we can learn from it. What led us to make the mistake in the first place? What can we do differently in the future to avoid making the same mistake again? By taking the time to reflect on our mistakes, we can grow and improve as individuals.


Correcting ourselves in anxious and tense times can be challenging, but it's an important part of self-care and personal growth. By acknowledging our mistakes, taking responsibility, apologizing, making amends, and learning from our mistakes, we can improve our relationships and lead happier, healthier lives. So, it is always better to correct ourselves rather than hiding from the mistakes.

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