Transgender Activist Celebrates Transgender Scam Artist/Pickpocket...Seriously

So I just saw this abomination of a post on Facebook. It's almost unreal how cringy it is:

The rest of this post doesn't go on to list anything else she did, so it's not like she was a scam artist and also did some really good things. How desperate does somebody need to be to celebrate a person like this? Surely there were more morally upstanding transgender people they could have celebrated. They even make sure to call her a Master scam "artist"- trying to make this seem like something positive.

The greatest irony is this person was probably robbing some of the only people in that time who were not anti-transgender. After all, they were at least willing to accept her services. Of course, people can be bigoted against somebody and still want to have sex with them, but I'd say that these customers were more likely to be accepting of trans people than the public as a whole. And those were the specific people she was stealing from.

Her deplorable conduct apparently even inspired anti-abolitionist media, and gave the more ammunition to attack black people with.

These guys literally decided to put for a serial criminal instead of any other black person. I swear to God these are some of the dumbest people I've ever seen. The Left is going to get nowhere like this.

Here is the original post:

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