Attack on Poland PLANNED long ahead of time/ atak na Polskę zaplanowano

Poland-Israel relations are low as ever, even thou Israel was basically built by Polish Jews, so were they security services. Thanks to CIA reports from years following WW2, we know, Jews were the true government in Poland, Putin did confirm that USSR, which Poland was part off, was governed by people of which, at least 70% were Jews.

below clip, CURTESY OF JACK CALEIB 1 youtube channel, puts a bit of light on Poland-Israel information war. first few seconds show some lines in Polish, they explain, who is the lady shown in the next part. the lady is former minister of education in Israel Shulamit Aloni, head of Meretz party in Israel, and she stits in Knesset, Israeli parliment. she explains how people are being shut, by the "holocaust-antisemitism" scam.

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