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No one has seen the Devil; that is from an ordinary human perspective of course. Multitude of people must have seen him and commune with that entity. But for average human beings, he is a multi-dimensional face; like a cube or which ever word you find appropriate will work out for you to describe him.

International indiscriminate violence is one of it's many faces i want to discuss in this blog. In the simplest form, let us see what terrorism means in legal and civic perspective:

  • The use of violent acts to frighten the people in an an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal.....
  • The unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion............Merrian-Webster Dictionary

From both the civilian and legal definitions of terrorism, we can conclusively agree that it is just some manifestation of some superficial forces just to scramble the progress humanity has made since the beginning of time.

Have you ever wonder what categories we can classify Natural disasters; are the good or evil? This may sound like the dumbest question to ask, but there is a significant fact in it; which is- this natural disasters are just tools to check-mate the superiority between Man and the divine one. Many believe not in the supernaturals, but we all know there is a force beyond scientific comprehension! So it is less debatable whether there is God or not.

So if natural disasters is not presumably categorize as one of the many faces of the Devil; an argument i am not willing to deliberate upon in the course of this blog, then terrorism is for a fact one of the malicious faces of the evil one.

Statisticians have imaginary quantify the number of lives that had been lost in multiple terrorist attacks, imagine having a loved one killed in many of those attacks, can we now all agree on a point? The point where we know that terrorist are tools and instrument in the hand of their master, the Devil.

A matter not for debate or any form of argument, but to enlighten humanity on some of our duties to protect each other from this "evil eye manifesting as some radical sets of witless groups", This is my own personalized definition of this worthless bunch.

Having lost the most dearest people in my life, not to this ghouls but to some other cause, i still shed endless tears each time i watch the news and see lives been wasted by this gutless souls. Paris attack, the Manchester bombing, The Brussels gun welding maniac; this recent incidents that has affected both Blacks, Caucasians or Aboriginals.

Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko-Haram, Taliban, Hezbollah and many faceless groups of evil Ninjas all have one thing in Common: Shedding of Bloods!...Innocent and guilty bloods had been shed and whether we like it or not:

Terrorism will continue to be a problem for the United States, it's allies and the rest of humanity.........Daniel.R. De Petris

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