A very interesting analysis: How the human feeling of disgust drives human history, society and the Right Wing


Here's a video I found very interesting about the discussion of how primitive instincts drive the path of our society, where those mechanisms came from, how they helped primitive humans in the past and why, since the mid-20 century globalization happened, they are not necessary anymore.

This might be a very taboo subject to discuss as some people might interpret the simple discussion of said subject as being an endorsement of racism or feelings of disgust towards different people just for mentioning the existence of our primitive instincts. Xenophobic instincts helped primitive humans to avoid potential problems in the past, but acknowledging that is in no way an endorsement of said behavior in the contemporary social landscape. Humans have a primitive instincts to have sex and that doesn't make it OK to do so in public or with anyone they want. We have social norms to restraint the inner animal inside us, but acknowledge the existence of said animal in no way makes it an endorsement of any of said animal's instincts.

Don't be arrogant

You might believe to be "too evolved" or "too enlighted" to share the same primitive part of the brain other humans have, but nevertheless you have it. Unless you are a psychopath, you have that emotional amygdala telling you to be scared of things the upper layers of your brain(the cerebrum) knows to be harmless. For millions of years great part of encounters between our animal ancestors and something unknown resulted in death or injury. That's the reason we developed the "prejudice making" mechanism that makes us fear the unknown. Before the cerebrum of your brain is able to know what is going on you need to react or risk being injury or killed.

Unless you are a psycho, don't deny your amygdala sends false alarms to your cerebrum about strangers, specially those perceived as "outsiders of your tribe" by the amygdala. We [almost] all feel it, but education about our social environment helps us learn to supres and ignore said alarms as most of them have not much benefit in a globalized society. You don't need to feel disgust towards people that look to be from outside of your tribe as we all now share the same symbiotic microbes in our bodies.

Don't make assumptions

Before you max-downvote this post for me mentioning this subject again, take a moment to read it all and think about it from other angles instead of the unquestionable conclusion that I am endorsing racism or xenophobia. I know my short posts on @dbuzz from yesterday might've left too much room for interpretation, but I here clarify my actual positions so we can have a healthy discussion without name-calling or flag-wars, specially against another witness from the same country I live.

Don't get me wrong. I like every feedback my posts receive even negative ones and I invite them. But it bothers me every time someone makes a reply based on a strawmen that was either deliberate or unconsciously created by the mind filling gaps of my argument with its assumptions about my position. I say this because I saw replies to my other posts in other apps that seemed to make the assumption that I was endorsing the concept of racial purity and was against mixed-race reproduction. Those who know me are aware that I consider the concept of racial purity as a very softer version of a genetically-incestuous reproduction. Just look how many health problems pedigree dogs have.

If there's any misunderstanding here that might drive you to conclude that this post endorses racism or xenophobia, feel free to comment(as if I could stop you). But before posting, try to see if the position of mine you are disagreeing is actually a position I have and not an unconsciously made strawmen.

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