El Bandito Review

Hello everyone I'm doing a review for Elle Bandito I have five fast action bonuses that I'm giving away with this product first one is list building wisdom where you can learn many ways to get your opt-in subscribers to trust you quickly all of these products I think will be very good because with this product I just thought these would help out the second one is a hundred split test you can learn how to simple tweaks in your sales copy can lead to higher conversions and also huh it's a six part video course it's really good it will immediately boost your conversion rates bonus three is traffic and conversion secrets you can learn how to get your website traffic to buy from you instead of just looking around otice for is foolproof traffic system it's a step-by-step guide to fool proof traffic and bonus five is a foolproof traffic system gold it just gives you more along with the other one it's like a bonus and what i'd like to do now is show you the sales page now you can see here they got there you can make four hundred nineteen dollars per hour this is what they say and what i want to do is show you one thing i can laugh at here because this once-mighty ourselves because of the unique strategy we'll make double the money you would normally make well that's kind of a funny statement because how do they know what you normally make you know but more or less the sales page is pretty much just like all the rest of them they show you some money they're making here introduction the reasons why three steps four steps for phones optional um mainly though it is video training they have 20 videos inside the training I'll show you them a minute and as you can see it's a pretty good sales page now they do have my bloody back how to percent satisfaction guarantee for 30 days and that means you have no risk use the old Bandido method to make money or get your money back and we're willing to take all the risk because we know that once you get inside start using this method you'll be blown away that's what they claim I'm they show pretty much everything right here you can read through this yourself now here's the three creators Brendan mace Anthony Mancuso and Jonah Armstrong now I'm gonna take you inside the training area and of course you got a welcome video here and here's the case study plus proof as you can see it's all 20 different videos there shows the overview finding your one hundred percent commission affiliate offer deep funnels and slack adjusters squeezing the lead creating an email list and they use Aweber but of course you can use whatever you want that's one reason I put the email bonus that I sure you in there connecting our squeeze page and email list bridge page magic no I like this cuz a lot of courses do not show you anything about a bridge page but I think it's a good idea connecting our squeeze page and email list grabbing your affiliate link and cleaning it up Stephan day money sequence and of course this is where you're doing your follow up series of emails through Aweber is what they show feeding the funnel traffic and then most of them here getting into well tracking fracking's worry board leaves clickmagick that's one reason I was doing gave you the one bonus back here I'm 100 split test it shows how to work on that to the sales loop they show you a diagram show you all about the sales loop here and then they get into the last four or five where I'm mainly on how to get traffic and of course I gave you three bonuses to it shows you a lot more about traffic you've got traffic and original secrets foolproof traffic system and of course the system go on and let's see now this one's own solo ads they show you what I'm paying ads for a marketing SEO search engine optimization that's the time to is good for me and reddit traffic hack so you you are really getting a lot of information here for the price are charging 20 videos I mean it's a really good deal now what I've got I've got you can see here I rated it a nine point four on my review page what I'm going to do is right below this video I'm going to give you two links one to this bonus page which is through I'm with Dallas calm and then I'm gonna put another link to my review page here the status McManus Dachau so I will do that for you let you check them out I hope you enjoyed my video and if you have any comments you can go down below and put them in the comment box right here not appreciate it and you'll have a good day

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El Bandito

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