Secrets of Antarctica -History Redo + Data Dump (294 Sealed Indictments across the U.S.)

Secrets of Antarctica
"History is written by the victors." ~ Walter Benjamin

So we know that the winners of war write the textbooks. All history textbooks are wrong when it comes to most things. There is much more of a history of Humanity than we are led to believe. Newsflash: We did not originate from monkeys in Africa, etc...

Note: Antarctica has warm areas under the ice in massive caverns.

1.) Recent History

*Germans find occult knowledge/science (advanced technology). Occult: From the Latin Occultare: 'To keep secret'
*German Secret Societies - Vril (Maria Orsic- channeled non terrestrials to build craft), Thule and Order of the Black Sun (Sent research expedition to Himalayas/India. Found ancient scrolls and brought back monks to translate. 'Vimana' is a flying craft used to control gravity using counter rotating Mercury and electric shock. Scrolls also mention ancient civilization ruins in Antarctica.)
*Germans wanted Qualitative Superiority (over quantitative superiority) - Could not compete with U.S./Allies boots on the ground, tanks, etc.. so focused on esoteric methods of warfare.
*German Flying Bell Craft. Giant flying discs. Hundreds of feet across w/ turrets. Built a number of prototypes.

Germans start their build out of Antarctica.
Nazi's load U-Boats with research and discs and travel to Antarctica (scrolls mentioned Ancient Civilization)

*WW II ends (only in Europe) (did it end?) and Germans/Nazi escape to Antarctica - Could not compete physically with Allies.
*Start of Operation Paperclip (1945-1952): Aprox. 3,000 Nazi scientist make their way to the U.S.

Mid 1946:
Operation Highjump

  • Admiral Richard Byrd + 5,000 troops + 13 ships + 40 Aircraft
    Official story was that is was a scientific exploration group. However it was a battle group. It's mission was to conduct a military assault against the Germans in Antarctica. In 1947 Byrd's group encountered German resistance and the Germans stunned the battle group with their Bell Craft (electro-profitic craft). Byrd retreated back to South America. In Chile, Byrd reported that "The enemy has blazing fast craft that can fly from pole to pole with amazing speed."

Flyover of UFO above Washington D.C. Not non-terrestrials. Man made craft. American military did not want to disclose this technology and ended Operation Paperclip.The Germans/Nazi's officially infiltrate America.,_D.C._UFO_incident*Start of Operation Paperclip (1945-1952)

2.)Ancient History

*Ancient Civilization Ruins. Non Terrestrials or Atlantis...
Antarctic Atlantis (David Wilcock- Author Source Field (great read)) -

*Ancient Planet in Solar System Explodes (EPH) = 500k years

Some were able to escape. Inhabitants needed a new home and may have gone to Mars for awhile.

Eventually survivors crash land on Antarctica (=50-60k years ago)
At this point Antarctica was in a different location than it is now. Due to pole shift and geophysical shift gravitational shifts it eventually drifted south and became flash frozen. Froze their pyramids and civilization. These 'people' spread out across the planet and formed new civilizations. Elongated heads (mayan, egyptian). Set up as gods. They built up the powers of this planet. Started catholic church and all military/political systems. They believe that they have divine right over this planet.

Piri Reis 'writen in 1513 - Ottoman Empire General who did not travel there. He drew the map with prior occult knowledge. At that time Antarctica was a completely ice free land mass.

Data Dump:

294 Sealed Indictments Across the country (Oct. 30 - Nov. 9)

(7) in Arkansas - Home of Hill & Bill
(11) in Illinois - Pres. Obama was just there reporting for jury duty
(6 )in Texas - Home of the Bush family
(162) in Central Los Angeles - Pedo West
(8) in South Florida
(60) in South N.Y.

Also of Interest:
Orlando Airport Evacuation (rogue plane?) (non functioning transponders) -
Air Traffic Controller Arrests for WMD's -
Weird Plane in San Jose -
Weird Planes in Las Vegas -
Saudi "Deep State" Prince Bandar Arrested (this guy is bigger than Alwaleed) -
No Space Corps (Airforce does not want to share w/ Marines) -
AZ Holistic Dr. Death (holistic Dr.'s keep getting killed) -

*4Chan - 'Q"
-Q on Airforce One? Or very close to El Prez.
-Q posts pics above Hong Kong at the same time Airforce One is in air above the area.
Trump Apec Summit Tweets:
Why are they tagged with CA, FL & TX? Sealed intictments in those states?
*Hiding location w/ VPN while sending messages.

“Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own”
― Bruce Lee

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