The real truth of human history? The Annunaki manipulators, and the relation to the elite of today.

Hi all,

An extremely different post today, but id rather continue to share everything that is me in the only place that seems to allow such subjects!

I have a video for you today. This video explained so much to me and everything I have researched in the past regarding human origins and ancient technology started to click!

The video below gives the story of a man that was abducted and told the history of mankind over many years. Now, please don't leave this post because you don't believe in abduction, I'm sceptical about it too. However the message in this video regardless of whether you believe in that sort of thing some how just makes sense. In my research it adds up to years of information I've acquired about the subject and the puzzle begins to come together. Something about it resonates with you.

In the video the man explains how we came about and were put here on Eden. We populated our Eden for 100's of thousands of years, before -in the not so distant past- the Annunaki came here to Eden to rape it of its metals and minerals. The main thing they NEEDED was Monoatomic Gold. They needed this to fix their planet and Eden was the perfect place for it.

When the Annunaki arrived, they found the human race wouldn't work for them as their slaves to mine their gold and in turn, destroy our planet. We loved our Eden, and the compassion and unconditional love we had for Eden couldn't be swayed!

With this, The Annunaki began performing Genetic manipulation on the humans, creating -over many generations- a race of obedient, fearful slaves who were lied to about the truth of their origins. They began to consider the Annunaki giants to be GOD, as they were told by Enki that he was their creator. In essence he was, he had created a new race of humans.But he had not created humans in the beginning we were already here, he had just changed us, But we hadn't changed for the better. We had been manipulated to work for the agenda of evil, and then lied to about our true origins so we would never go looking for it.

With Enkis ever growing lust for human women, he began to lay with them, creating human/Annunaki hybrids, and the blood line of his descendants are the people that are in power today. The Vatican, the Royal family and the highest of the worlds elite are ALL descendants of this same bloodline and that is how they are picked to push forward the illegal agenda using various tactics like religion, and any other form of separation. Homosexuality, feminism, racism, class-ism, are ALL methods of separation to keep us fighting each other so we never see the true evil!

Check out the video below for far more information, This is just insane!

Credit for video AlienStar of Facebook

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