That's right! I'm gonna be a daddy!


It's official now.

We learned, about 2 months ago now that my wife is pregnant with our first child. We were in the bathroom looking at the little baton when the "cross" appeared...announcing us that life was conceived and that the two of us will be three if all went well. (by the end of May)

I think that only guys who had that experience know how it feels. It's like a life vertigo, time stop, the floor seems to distance itself from your feet and you realize that life will never be the same. Kind of like this:


To be honest, it was a surprise and my wife promised herself in the past that she wouldn't get pregnant on the first year of marriage but hey, God has a weird to laugh at us and our plans.

I'm older than her and at 31, I gotta say that I'm very happy and excited that it's happening now. I don't want to be old with a walker when my kids will reach graduation day. Also, I'm at the top of my game when it comes to being in shape and financial situation. So, I'm not scared one bit about it.

Question to guys who went through that initiation

What would be your best recommendations for an expectant father? I'm new to this and I am pretty sure that there are a lot of you who have gone through that experience.

I'm curious to know what would be your top tips on how to survive and thrive in the first year of a newborn baby.

Leave your comment below and I'll upvote the best tips.

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