My Hive Anniversary

Three years is a long time. Three years, never taking a break, on a blockchain is an eternity. Yet, I am still here. I am still posting. I am still talking. I am still learning each day.

Three years in The Alliance (@thealliance) is the longest I have ever been with any group of people. I still look forward to checking in and seeing what is going on with everyone. I hold @Enginewitty responsible for giving me the gift of being part of his family. He took in a very tired and lost person. He gave me the confidence to reach out to others in The Alliance and make new friends. He gave me a home. Thank You so much, my brother and friend @Enginewitty!!!!

@Shadowspub was the big sister I always wanted. She listened to me. Helped me see the bigger picture and truths in myself I didn't want to always see. My friendship with her came about from being in The Alliance also. One day seeing a link to the PYPT Discord I found myself looking for a post to share.

In PYPT I was accepted for who I was. Shadowspub had a way of making anyone feel welcome. She didn't always agree with you but it never stopped you from being able to talk about your posts or the meaning behind them. She never let me get away with talking down about my work on the blockchain. I could not have ever asked for a better friend than her.

I miss PYPT.

Meeting @IntheNow let me explore a side of myself I never knew was even there. His music touched my soul on many levels. I am proud of everything we have done together and just sorry that 2020 took away a chance to meet him in person along with so many others.

@JackMiller and @TheHive were the staples of my days. It was so wonderful to jump into Discord and have a morning laugh each day. Those two men have brightened my days in so many ways. They always seemed to know when I needed a laugh most of all. Thank You both for that!!

@GuiltyParties, rat those he is, also came from The Alliance. Whenever I was worried about something he always stopped what he was doing to help answer my questions. If he didn't know an answer he went and found it. He turned potential nightmares into puffs a smoke with a nod of his head. HUGS

I started with The Freewriters so many years ago and was lucky that a lot of them were in The Alliance too. I tend to jump around in everything I do but over the last three years, the one constant has always been The Alliance for me.

I have seen many Discord groups come and go over three years here. They are not easy to keep nontoxic yet @Enginewitty has done just that. If not for his determination to keep The Alliance as a family setting I do not know if I would still be here.

I am thankful I picked the perfect group for me to learn about everything Blockchain in. I still have a lot to learn on many levels but I never would have gotten where I am without the backing of everyone there.

I am proud of everything I have accomplished over the last three years here. Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought coming here would have life-changing consequences of the very best kind.

Thank you to everyone that has supported me over the years. You humble me and make me proud to know such kind and loving people.

To those on Hive that are new here... Sit back and enjoy the ride. Go out and meet people in their comments. Test the waters of Discord if you dare. Know that Hive can be anything you want it to be if you take the time and energy to care.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.


All photos are mine unless otherwise stated

Gif made by @Snook

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