Experimenting at small scale

I installed the LOBSTR wallet for #Stellar on a phone running a version of Android recent enough to run it (older phones lying around were not compatible with it unfortunately) and sent a few Stellar Lumens to it from time to time.

Then I picked out a few of the #Galactic-Milieu assets implemented on the #Stellar platform and proceeded to buy typically one to three Stellar Lumens worth of some of them occassionally.

At first the LOBSTR wallet had been showing me in Canadian dollars (CAD) its estimate of the value of the account that I had set up for this purpose.

Having it shown in CAD distorted the apparent results though, because a lot of the time changes in the estimate were not at all to do with the success or failure of my trading of Stellar Lumens against the various #Galactic-Milieu assets but, rather, were simply artifacts of the value of CAD and/or XLM (Stellar Lumens) changing relative to one-another.

Thus a couple of days ago I went into the settings of the LOBSTR wallet and set Stellar Lumens (XLM) as the default currency, so now its estimates of the value of the portfolio (account) are shown in Lumens.

Back then it showed the value as 320 point something Lumens.

Now, which is a couple of days later, it shows 343 point something Lumens.

The few trades I did with it in those days were all small, but I am not the only player doing this small-scale work on "building the buy-sides". So the results are not due to that one account alone. Nonetheless it seems to show that the strategy is working-so-far.

For this strategy to work in general though, it requires assets that do not have a backlogged population of "dumpers", that is, people who sell to buy offers instead of simply placing their sell offers above the highest buy offer and wait for someone to buy from their sell offer.

Try this approach with an asset whose population of "dumpers" has not yet successfully been drained of the stuff they are dumping and you will probably be wasting capital; with assets that have active dumpers not yet drained of their "bags" of stuff-to-dump you would probably do better with a strategy of just maintaining your very deep very thin column of buy-offers, putting what gets dumped onto them back onto the sell-side growing your very tall very thin column of sell offers higher and higher and higher.

So far though it looks like most of these assets lack active dumpers on the #Stellar platform.

Some of them, such as IXCoin and I0Coin, seem to still have active dumpers on #FreiExchange but not yet on #Stellar's "DEX" (Distributed EXchange). At some point maybe some arbitrageur will get around to snapping them up cheap on #FreiExchange and bringing them over to Stellar, hopefully not to dump but rather to build with but that depends upon whatever arbitrageurs finally get to work doing Stellar vs FreiExchange arbitrage.

Unfortunately #HZ (the native coin of the #Galactic-Milieu's other current asset platform, #HORIZON) has seemed to have a major dumper over a longer scale of time; thus the main reason I have included it in the account is how insanely cheap the past dumping has driven it. So with HZ I am not really so much working on building its buy-side as simply buying it up while it is insanely cheap. :)

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