Coins Of Interest: IXCoin and I0Coin

IXCoin (IXC) and I0Coin (I0C, that is a zero, not the letter 'O') are ancient classics that have served well since way way back in the early days of Crypto.

Both are "merged mined" coins, that is, miners can mine them right alongside BiTCoin (BTC) and various other "merged mined" coins, using the same hashing power simultaneously on all the coins in their merge.

This has resulted in IXC and I0C both enjoying extremely high "difficulty", and thus security, relative to their popularity / publicity, which is to say that for relatively-unknown coins they are extremely secure, thanks to their ability to partake in some of the very high hash-power mining that BiTCoin motivates.

Over the many years since their creation, they have been systematically pushed up in value to over a U.S. Dollar per coin three or four times, but in the old days that was done on "custodial" exchanges and thus over and over again all that work of building up the "buy side" of their order-books was trashed by what seems to have been a very popular "exit strategy" used by "custodial" exchanges: the "oops we got hacked!" exit strategy, resulting in the whole strategy having to be repeated over again elsewhere, unfortunately usually, back then, on yet another "custodial" exchange.

Nowadays though there are "DEX" exchanges: "Distributed" exchanges, so now at last the #Galactic-Milieu can build up the buy-sides one last time but this time on the HORIZON and STELLAR "DEX" platforms (with the DMDv4 platform hopefully coming soon too). This time the #Galactic-Milieu's buy-side offers are not susceptible to vagaries of custodial exchanges, except of course any offers it chooses to risks placing on the "custodial" exchange FreiExchange such as by using the markets you can see at
and at

The strategy works, over and over again it has worked; but each time the total number of coins in the industry was larger, diluting the audience more and more even despite the rate of growth of the crypto industry as a whole.

Add in "tokens" and the number of things to divide the potential audience among explodes; nowadays it seems possible a whole lot of the audience is not even aware of the distinction between actual "coins" (having a blockchain of their own) and "tokens" (on some actual "coin"'s blockchain); the default page one lands on when visiting sites along the lines of CoinMarketCap lumps "tokens" right in with "coins", you have to be savvy enough to do some choosing of options to get a view of actual "coins" undiluted by the plethora of "tokens" that have flooded the markets in recent years.

Tokens are kin to the "balances" one has on old-style ("custodial") exchanges: ideally they represent a balance backed by actual coins, which is what the #Galactic-Milieu's IXC and I0C tokens on the Stellar platform and its HZIXC and HZI0C tokens on HORIZON represent. IXC and I0C are actual coins, with blockchains of their own; the tokens representing them so as to enable trading and exchanging and sending and receiving them using the Stellar and HORIZON platforms represent actual coins "bailed in" to the platform and able to be "bailed out" back to real coins on their own blockchains.

"Bailing in" actual coins for tokens is akin to "depositing" coins on a "custodial" exchange, but it is not a deposit; it is a purchase of a token; "bailing out" the tokens back to actual coins is likewise not a "withdrawal" but a purchase of actual coins with tokens.

The #Galactic-Milieu still uses the same "bailing in" tradition it used when the Digitalis Open Transactions Server was the platform in use; which is to say, only half of the actual coins on hand are used to "back" tokens, the other half are kept available to "redeem" (buy back) the tokens, so that the coins directly represented by the tokens can be stored in very very cold storage since they need "never" be dug back up out of that storage; the on-hand half of the actual coins can be used to "bail back out" coins from tokens without needing to touch the coins represented by the tokens, so the tokens remain "backed", ready for re-use whenever someone wants to "bail in" some actual coins again.

You can see info about the various tokens implemented on the Stellar platform at ; those on the HORIZON platform are shown under although it should be noted that HORIZON offered "currencies" and "assets" as distinct categories, of which, it turned out, so-called "currencies" do not work. SO do not try to use any of what is listed under , only what is shown under

The pages under show, among other things (like the name and issuing account, needed to set up your "trust lines") a link to the Stellar.Expert (Stellar Explorer) page about each asset; for IXCoin that link is . for I0Coin it is

As you can see by comparing those two explorer links with the FreiExchange markets provided farther above, there remains an arbitrage opportunity between the FreiExchange prices and the Stellar DEX prices at time of writing. :)

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