The Crux of Non-Representation

By Anna Von Reitz

Following the so-called Civil War --- never forget that it wasn't actually a war because it was never declared by our Congress and never ended by peace treaty --- place holder "States" were established in the Territorial Government system.

These "States" were predicated on the theory that everyone would now be considered "Dual Citizens" owing obligations to both the actual state of the union and the federal government. No such authorization or agreement on the part of the American states and people exists. No act by our Continental Congress allows it. This was simply presumed as an administrative action on the part of the Territorial Government as a part of "reconstruction" and it was excused as an "emergency measure"---for which there is no provision in our law, either.

The people then-serving in the State Legislatures of the late 1860's and onward, were presumed to adopt the new Dual Citizenship and to wear two hats --- when wearing one hat, they took on the character and duty of American state nationals and acted "for" the "absent" actual land jurisdiction state government and created "Session Laws", and when wearing the other hat, they operated as "federal state" citizens and passed "State Statutes" governing the "State of State" organizations.

But no man can serve two masters..... as time passed, the people elected to serve in these offices lost track of the situation. Occasions when Session Laws were passed were few and far between, because all the day to day operations and issues were being handled by the "State of State"--- like the "State of Washington" organizations which are all federal corporation franchises having nothing much to do with our actual government at all.

One of the peculiarities of this situation is that members of the Bar Associations were allowed to hold office in these placeholder State Legislatures, in direct opposition to the actual Constitutional Amendment that prohibits people who hold foreign titles of nobility like "Esquire" from holding any office in our government.

The same thing has occurred in the "United States Congress".

There are exceptions where they did it right and excluded Bar Association members from voting on Session Laws directly impacting the land jurisdiction and the living people, but over time things got sloppy and confused, and fewer and fewer members of both the Congress and the "State" legislatures were able to act in unincorporated sovereign capacity because more Bar Members ran for office and the non-Bar members of both Congress and the "State" Legislatures were (and are) placed in the minority as a result.

I haven't looked at the statistics for some time, but at one time in the 1990's --if memory serves me-- only seven out of a hundred US Senators were non-Bar.

This leads to a situation where we, the actual states and people, are grossly under-represented both in Congress and in "State Legislatures"----and leads to other unanticipated and unwanted evils, too.

For example, when it comes to real brass-tacks issues impacting the living people and the actual land and soil of our country, power is concentrated in the hands of a very, very few members of Congress who are not Bar Association Members. And there is no guarantee that these individuals will be fair-minded with respect to the entire country's needs and no guarantee that they will have the correct information, brain power, and skill set needed to make good decisions for the country as a whole.

We have a hundred United States Senators, two from each state, for a reason. What happens when you suddenly only have seven Senators able to vote on an issue that impacts everyone in the country?

Over ninety percent of the people are not being represented at all---and this is happening in a country that is supposed to be the flag-ship of representative government worldwide.

The same exact thing happens in the "State" Legislatures throughout the country.

Either they prohibit the Bar Members from voting on these all-important issues
as required by the actual Constitution and thereby grossly under-represent and marginalize the constituents the Bar Members are supposed to be representing, or they allow the Bar Members to vote and taint the results, because Bar Members are prohibited from holding office in the actual land jurisdiction government.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Clearly, our system is broken and sputtering and it has been for a long, long time.

The further consequence of this ongoing situation which is an unresolved hold-over from the Reconstruction Era, is that the Bar Members take their revenge by marginalizing and isolating the few non-Bar members serving in the Congress and the "State" Legislatures.

Look how they treated Ron Paul? Even he didn't appear to know why he was the Ugly Step-Child, but it is easy enough to see why. He wasn't a Bar Member. He was one of the special few who would hold the disproportionate share of power if and when any truly important action was required, but in the same token, he was by definition cut out of the Bar Association Good Ole Boys Club.

I am reminded of a friend from my college days. "Bob" was drop-dead gorgeous. As a result, none of the girls would even speak to him, except for me--- because then as now, I didn't give a fig for appearances good or bad. He was lonely and perplexed. Why didn't anyone like him? Well, as I explained, the girls were afraid to speak to him and the boys were jealous and hated his guts.

That's the situation that a non-Bar member of Congress faces. The other non-Bar members are a mixed bag of misfits jealous of their peculiar power once they discover that they have it, and the Bar Members hate all of them by definition. To a greater or lesser extent, the same things go on in the "State" Legislatures across the country.

All of this and more is the result of unfinished business left over from the Civil War. Even our friends are left shaking their heads. How could such a thing be? How stupid and lazy are the American people? To leave their sovereign government compromised and in limbo for six generations?

Yet, this is what has gone on here.

Ask the Congressional Research Service. Most of the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed, and our country has been left functioning on two cylinders ever since.

So if the interests of the people and the actual land jurisdiction states of the union are 90% or more unrepresented in Congress and to a greater or lesser extent also disenfranchised from being represented in the "State" Legislatures, who or what is being represented?

Public employees are being represented, so well represented that they now own and control the Fortune 500 Companies via their pension plan managers. Banks and insurance companies and other large corporations are being represented and given Big Slices of the national pie. And of course, the Bar Association Members who dominate everything day to day are licking up all the juice and leftovers.

Joe Average gets the bill. Why? Because he isn't being represented by this "representative" government.

The few people who aren't Bar Members occupying offices in the "State" Legislatures and Congress are mostly clueless, inept, and haven't studied history or law. They are like sheep guarded by dogs (the military) in a pen full of sheep-eating snakes.

They may survive like Ron Paul, but also like Ron Paul, they won't get anything done. They won't figure out how to exercise their unique powers. They won't be able to bring our country back from the edge of oblivion ---- until and unless the rest of us wake up.

Rule One: never vote a Bar Member into any office. Never. Not even Dog Catcher.

Rule Two: learn to identify, support, and make use of the few representatives you have.

Rule Three: push the military to do its actual job and support the actual Constitution owed to this country and its people.

Rule Four: educate yourselves and others so that you can identify the problems and take effective action to restore your lawful government at every level.

The problem with this country is that we, the actual states and people, are being grossly under-represented in the "State" Legislatures and in the Congress, for the reasons just described. The further problem is that public employees and corporate interests, especially corporate banking and insurance interests, are being grossly over-represented.

The best and quickest way out of this conundrum is to organize your local jural assemblies at the county level (see Michigan General Jural Assembly for help) and begin the process of educating your family, friends, and neighbors.

America has been running on two cylinders for far too long. It's time to reconstruct the "Reconstruction".

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