what do you think about Elementary ???

Well, the series "Elementary" - another reincarnation of Arthur Conan Doyle's story about Sherlock Holmes. And, as is now accepted among modern versions, it develops practically independently of the canonical version. Although I do not like most of the screen versions, this one surprised me. It differs from the others in that Sherlock (the hero) is an excellent detective not because he was born this way or he is a priori such a genius (although this is the case, but very little), but because he is working on himself. He devotes his entire life to his work, and therefore he is the best. This is shown to us in the series. We are shown that if you want to be at least someone, you have to work on yourself.
As for the story - it is independent of the canon and other versions, except for certain moments. And of course, there are many references to the canon.
Each series is a seemingly independent, separate story, the story of which ends at the end of the series itself. However, it is not. Through all the series a thin thread is interwoven with the plot.
Well and so - 9/10


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