Isekai Shokudou Episode 11(spoilers)

The episode start with the view of the moon where kuro is staying.

After that Kuro will tell us that it has already been 105 days since she start working aa "Western Restaurant Nekoya".

Then the door appear and our dragon starts to prepare going to work.

(behold as our dragon head to work!!!)

As she enters the door she is greeted by Aletta, and her Employer "Master", then Kuro starts blushing on the gaze of "Master".
but still this is only last for a sec because Kuro is already been conquered by Chicken Curry.(NTRed by the Masters own Cooking ^^)

(can this be what im thinking it is!!!! let it be it plssssssss i totally ship this!!!!!)

then she will recall the moment before she starts working on Nekoya, and thru this we will have a glance on how old kuro is.

(she is not that old, still too young)

Then red visited her on here residence to tell her to guard her treasure while she is away, because that both Aletta, and Master are both extremely weak being that are needed to be protected.

(the chicken curry is definitely the deal breaker here)


Narration by Alfonse starts and now we will be introduce to the new victim of masters cooking, which are the "Sirens" who are said to be using their magic to lure and sink ships in the sea.

introducing the fresh bloods ^^.

a energetic looking siren starts it off by saying to the other siren about changing nest, and that they should try checking the "Chimera killer's" Island, but been told by the other siren that their granny told them that its dangerous to go there.

Still the energetic looking siren says that it will be fine because that the Chimera might be how gotten weak since he is already old and continue on convincing the other siren to go check the island.

As they get to the island they enter the cave where the "Chimera Killer" lives in, and as they look around they see strange looking lines, and also coins(lots of it) left behind by the "Chimera Killer" for those who will also become stranded on the island in the future. He also left them a message that they should not lose hope and told them his story on the island, he also mention that the coins are a gift that they should use on the door every day of Satur.

After reading the message they decided to stay on the island as they wait for the day of satur.

(the door to a New World)

As they enter they are greeted by our cute maid Aletta!!. they are told by Aletta that this is a restaurant, and ask if they would stay to eat.

As they look around the energetic Siren start playing the piano and being amaze by it decides to starts singing and ask the other Siren to sing as well, as they sing their magics starts activating which is very effective and Kuro notice it and run on the siren while sealing their mouth with her hands.

She starts telling them that there are being inside that are not immune to their songs, and she tell them them if they want to return in one piece that they should behave.

They Siren are amaze on how Kuro speaks and ask her to teach them.

Aletta give them the menu, and ask that if they have a food they want to eat she can ask the master about it.


The other Siren tells the energetic Siren that its she should not ask that since only their race eats raw fish, where the energetic Siren say its weird since raw fish taste good!!.

Yet to their disbelieve our Master says he can prepare them the meal that they order and its called "Carpaccio". Upon hearing this the energetic girl ask Aletta that its fine and ask her to hurry and bring it to them.

(I present to you the real star of the show^^)

Both the Siren are amaze on how fresh and delicious the food is enough for them to ask for more till they are satisfied.

after they are done eating a guest come and its the "Chimera killer" Alphonse-san. The Siren remembers that he is the Chimera Killer but the energetic Siren didn't notice it and ask the other Siren what happen.

(i hope that this gaze only means admiration, or gratitude and nothing else)

after that they leave the restaurant and decide to make a nest in the island.

The next scene starts with Red taking out her Stew as she leaves the restaurant.

Kuro starts narrating that the Master is doing something out of the norm, which the Master says that he is preparing a Curry Bun, and ask Kuro if she want some and answers that she will take some after her chicken curry.

Kuro notice how Master gave no signs of burning himself while handling the hot curry bun which she can still fell the heat coming from the buns.

she then starts narrating how delicious the bun is and how it compliment each other.

The episode ends with Aletta leaving the restaurant and bidding farewell with Kuro.

(Must Protect This Smile!!!!!!)

****Start ED THEME*******

End Of Episode 11

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