[ANNOUNCEMENT] Anime and Cartoon reviews

Hello readers of Movie-Per-Minute! Thank you so far for enjoying my blog's content! I try to bring easy to digest, straightforward and understandable reviews of films that I've watched and enjoyed to you, and hopefully to help introduce you to new films that you may have only heard of and didn't know anything about, or to invigorate some nostalgia and bring back some famous titles that helped define the film industry and shape modern popular culture.

Lately, I've been thinking about expanding the blog's content to include another form of media that I thoroughly enjoy: Cartoons and Anime. I'm also an avid watcher of both (although I heavily favor anime in this instance). My anime-watching is typically quite on or off, but I do tend to simultaneously watch up to a dozen shows in a given season. I've seen quite a few in the past few years, and have plenty of personal favorites to share with you, including famous mainstream shows, down to virtually unknown, cult shows that have helped influence and inspire the modern cornerstones of the medium as we know it today.

This is how I'm thinking the format will go. It'll be similar to the film reviews, although slightly altered for more relevance:

Series Title

Production Studio

Number of Episodes

^ The poster (credit)

Release Date: The date of the airing of the first episode until the final

Number of media: Anime series' are often adaptations of manga, games or light novels, and this is important information. They also sometimes feature other media that aren't strictly part of the TV-run series. For example, OVAs and theatrical releases, as well as home video releases and remakes!

What's It About: Again, I try to summarize briefly what the series is about, without spoiling anything.

The Good: I go through a few of the things that I think are good about the series. The animation? The direction? The characters? The plot? World-building? Soundtrack? Voice acting? You name it; if it stands out to me, I'll cover it.

The Bad: The same topics as whatever I thought was good, except inverse.

Best Character: I love good characters, and this section exists to give them some attention. The standout character will be mentioned here!

Should I Watch It: More than simply a 'yes' or 'no' answer, I detail a few of the important factors that help determine its watchability, technical achievement or pop culture significance.

Similar Films: A good space for recommending other content that's similar or even influential on the series. Alot of content is produced with regard to other titles in the medium. This is a chance to check them out!

I was thinking of starting a sibling blog to allow content to be organised correctly, but I think smart use of tags will be able to categorize them appropriately. What are your thoughts? Feel free to leave a comment down below. Any recommendations for shows I should watch and review?

Thanks again for reading, and stay tuned for exciting new content!

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