W'z Review - A Great Visual Style and Theme, but does it offer much else?

W'z is another one of these shows that gave itself a different name then it's original, that being 'HandShakers'. So I went into this show not realizing it was a follow-up. That being said, while there are things that lead me to believe that you may get a bit more out of this if you were a fan of Hand Shakers, it's not going to stop you from understanding and enjoying W'z. That's not to say it's an inherently good show, just that no knowledge of Hand Shakers isn't a necessity.

The show revolves around Yukiya, an aspiring DJ who can enter Ziggaraut at will. Typically the 'Hand Shakers' as they are called can only enter Ziggaraut by holding hands with their partner. As an 'Irregular Hand Shaker' Yukiya can not only enter Ziggaraut at will but is able to bring other people and even objects in with him. The first hurdle you have to get over to get into the show is the use of the term Hand Shaker, because it sounds really silly.

Yukiya inevitably gets dragged into fighting other Hand Shakers, the reward being if you keep winning eventually you can meet God and ask for a wish, after which you lose your powers as a Hand Shaker. Yukiya lacks a wish of his own but wants to help one of the previous series characters find her sister and brother in law, who are presumably stuck in Ziggaraut. Yukiya is able to bring former Hand Shakers into the world, and when he does so they are able to use their Nimrods, special weapons that can be summoned in Ziggaraut.

While the overall idea and characters are interesting, the actual story is really lack-luster. The first two major opponents of Yukiya have nothing to do with the overall story, and are just kind of there for the purpose of setting up the world and characters. And overall the main villain's plan is just really silly. At least the back story of Yukiya and why he is an irregular Handshaker is interesting, and there are quite a few moments that do have a nice emotional impact.

In spite of the shows weak plot, the show does a good job of making you like the characters. Having never seen the original series, I still have a good grasp of all the returning cast and find myself really liking them. The only character I really don't care at all for is the shows main love interest, as she just kind of feels like her only defining trait is she really cares about Yukiya. If she didn't have that, I don't think she'd have a character at all.

The show also suffers greatly from it's own themes. The idea being partners is their real strength comes from the bond between them, yet here is Yukiya able to bring any Hand Shaker he wants in with him, many of them he knows very little about, and yet he keeps winning. Strength from bonds doesn't really mean much when this guy can beat you with any random person he feels like fighting you with.

The enjoyment of the story is limited purely to how much you can get behind the characters, all but one of which is pretty fantastic considering how little screen time they all get. Despite the bizarre circumstances and story, being able to get behind Yukiya still had me caring about the show's finale and it still felt satisfying. It's nothing deserving of big acclaim, but it still manages to be enjoyable.

The real draw of this show is the fantastic mesh of visuals and music during the fights. The fights aren't too long, but they are all an absolute thrill to watch. There are so many different Nimrods, and each pairing of people fight so differently there is a reason to be excited for each and every fight that comes up. Yukiya being able to bring in different partners does a lot to help keep them all varied too, as each fight allows him to employ different strategies. Even though the music selection is a bit limited, which is strange considering the focus on a musical motif in the show, it does flow very well with the action.

That said, there is a certainly a 'Style over Substance' going on with W'z. Perspectives can be off at times, there can be moments the action feels a bit hard to follow, and you are constantly being barraged with a lot of colors. Making things stylish and flash was definately the focus, and not so much on making everything smooth and realistic looking. It's not something that can easily be pulled off, or something everyone can enjoy. That said if that's your thing, it can work out well for you. But if you have issues with a lot of flashy colors constantly bombarding you, this may be physically painful to watch.

W'z is not a show I recommend highly, or one that I think is ever going to be an all-time classic. It's a show to sit back and watch for some great visuals, fights, and some fun characters. The actual plot leaves a lot to be desired though, and the longer out it has been since I watch it the more details of the story begin to slip my mind. Overall it's a good anime to watch in between the other great shows coming out right now, and not one most will regret spending time on. So long as you go in with proper expectations, it's a decent show.

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