Japanese anime full action

 I want to start a session Wednesday Waifu this time by apologizing for the absence of this section last week. Because of that this week there will be two sections Waifu Wednesday, on today and tomorrow. For Waifu which will be discussed first of all, is Yukino Yukinoshita of Oregairu series.

The girl who nicknamed Yukinon seems to have it all, a beautiful face, slender body, brain clever and diluted, a rich family, and a cool head. However there is a good chest and a good friend. Past experience and its impact make it have a personality that is rather difficult to approach.

 But does that mean he is not fit to be a wife? She Might fit the  category of far more than you know. Therefore, let us discuss the key  points why Yukinon appropriate for you take it to the altar. 

  1.  Beautiful, smart, slim, tajir, lacking anything else to try? 

 It seems blessed by God, endowed Yukinon attractive exterior  appearance, the brain is very clever, is also a very rich family. Father  of Yukinon an alderman and CEO of a large company in the city. It seems  like it would not hurt to be her. Yukinon also has a slim and athletic body, shown in the series that  he is also able to perform a wide range of sports well. Unfortunately he  did not have the stamina enough to support the ability to exercise. But  still, if he was tired means you have an excuse for him to sleep on  your lap, stroking her hair. 

  •  Multi talent and independent 

 Since high school, Yukinon was independent because he did not  want to live with his family. Although I must admit apartments and  amenities are still provided by family, living alone for some time  definitely makes it smart to take care of household chores. Moreover,  the apartment belonging to Yukinon shown several times in pretty neat,  it means he's been good at taking care of his own place. Yukinon also has a lot of talent, not only in the academic field and  sport as described above, he is also good at playing music and  organizing an event. Yukinon often be a pillar of the event held by him  and friends, he was a good leader figure, and perhaps you would lead if  indeed you nut so couples. 


  • Smart Cooking

 Independent living also makes smart Yukinon to cook, he several  times looks cooking for his friends. He was even able to cook dishes  such as Paella is quite complex. But unfortunately, he does not seem to  teach others to cook well. Like when he wanted to teach Yuigahama to  cook, but I am pretty sure Yuigahama factor that can not cook and  somewhat airheaded has a major role in the failure of teaching. Hey, at least you do not have to worry whether Waifu you'll cook you food poisoning. 

  •  Haruno Yukinoshita 

 To much of her annoyance, I am very happy to have a brother  like Haruno Yukinon. Personally, I liked her better than her sister as  well Tus why she's on this section. Haruno is a sister like Yukinon,  multi-talented, beautiful, and has everything, including a bigger chest.  Yukinon looks very disturbed and annoyed whenever Haruno was in the  vicinity, but the angry look seemed to grow Yukinon S side in me. Haruno is someone who is very happy to intervene, according to  Hayato, he will continue to intervene to other people's business  pleases. Not surprisingly, he always meddling with the affairs of  Yukinon and Hachiman. But because he helped Hachiman and Yukinon for  imitation, it is likely he will also help you invented. Though I must  say, not until you are in the blacklist him, because Hayato also said he  would destroy everyone he dislikes until blended. 

  •  Hard on the outside and tender on the inside 

 Past experience has a personality that makes it somewhat  difficult to approach. Yukinon rarely have a good friend because he has a  cold aura that makes people reluctant to approach him. Hayato alone  only man I know besides Hachiman could talk normally to him. But behind the cool personality that, there is a woman of taste and  turns caring to people he liked. He also has a soft spot for pandas and  cute objects like a cat. Not infrequently he would loosen his expression  and then chat with the cat. Maybe this is called the gap moe. In general, Yukinon is a perfect candidate's wife, Hi-quality singles  if people here say. Can take care of the house well, having capability  as a leader, and some parents are super tajir. If you hockey, his  father's company could fall into the hands of you, if you do not run  over at Haru-nee. But is really no weakness in choosing Yukinon? Maybe  you should read the other factors below: 

 In conclusion, Yukinon could be a good wife, tersusahnya part was  when I had to please her, and when you have to ask for the blessing of  their parents. Moreover, although the barrier it a little, but firmly  really all. If you still insists on equal Yukinon invented, it's a good  choice anyway, although I still prefer the same brother. 

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