Today... I did my first animation!

I'm learning to use a program called 'krita' to replace my beloved adobe photoshop (I can't afford to buy it) and it has this super cool animation mode, I literally never tried animating before, this is my first try, be gentle.

The animation is of a persimmon falling from a persimmon tree, a common sight at this time of year.


If you want to give it a try, here's my tips on getting started.

  1. download krita, it's free!

  2. doodle with the brushes first so you know where stuff is.

  3. decide on something super easy to animate, like, say, a falling ball. The trick here is to learn how layers work and how to set up the onion skin so that you know what you're doing. I spent ages drawing a person I wanted to have reading, it was a total bummer when I realized I didn't know how to move stuff into the next frame, so ... simple!

  4. before you tear out your hair in frustration like I did, let me tell you, krita doesn't let you export just like that, you need to download another thingamagig and tell krita where to find the program to use to turn this into a png. Be careful about what you name stuff and where you save it, and you're golden!

About Persimmons, my husband told me something I found really funny. You see, growing up in the US, for me I feel the holidays approaching when people put up lights and the leaves fall off the trees. Over here on the Slovenian coast, we have mainly palm trees and evergreens, not so many leaves fall, and for that reason, my husband associates this sad looking tree with the bright orange soft and gooey sweet fruit all over as 'christmassy'. Isn't that funny?

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