The Tales of Major Niggles, Part 3.

Poor Major Niggles was let out into the rain this morning when Dave went to work. My tiny Kitty, left alone to stand near the door, meowing pitifully for hours to be let in when instead she could have taken refuge in the specially (and expensively) purchased cat house for this exact situation. As I have said before, she is not the smartest Kitty. But she is adorable.


In light of her harrowing experiences this morning, she has taken refuge on my lap and it would appear that she has no intention of moving for the rest of the day. It pains me when this happens as it only occurs when I have to go out. So now my dilemma is between brewing/working and snuggling Major Niggles. Sadly, my role in this world is to bring spectular beers to the masses and so a brewing I must go!


Poor Major Niggles!

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