My Love❤️ He's faithful like No other💖


I was thinking about one of my best friends. He sticks with me when everyone is too busy or doing their own thing. Meet Coco.
He's 11 years old, but in English bulldog years that's old. Typical bulldog life expectancy is usually about 8 to 10 years, but Coco has a little Boston Terrier mixed in his bloodline so I'm hoping he's got a few of those genes kicking in. Hopefully, this would extend his life a more few years.

He not so beautiful physically anymore, he's getting gray around his mouth and face . He's still likes to run in the yard but not for too long.

If he starts panting hard, then I have to get him back under the air conditioning. He's so sweet and don't think he has ever growled.

Let me tell you he is so smart that it's almost unreal. He can open gates that are supposed to keep him in a certain area.

He loves eating foods that I like, too. I don't give him junk food. He loves farm fresh eggs, whole wheat bread, bananas, apples, and of course his vegetarian dry dog food. He likes Nature's Balance.
A 28 pound bag will last him about 3 months.

He needs to visit Dr Barbara for his check-up and also have his teeth cleaned pretty soon.

You know, good hygiene is just as important for our dogs as it is for us. If left unchecked, bad teeth can send poison to his heart and shorten his life. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way from a dog I had years ago.

When I'm sad, he tries to lick my face and can tell if I'm sick. One time, I was pretty sick and Coco wouldn't leave my side. That was very comforting but I also heard that a dog can tell if a human is very sick,.

So when he wouldn't leave my side I can honedtly say I was getting a little worried by my bulldog barometer. A few days passed and I must admit I was glad when he left my side. Between us, I was getting a little worried about myself! lol

As I write this article, Coco is sleeping on the couch, next to me. I pray he gets a few more years as he brings me joy and puts a smile on my face when I see him first thing in the morning.

Do you have a dog or cat that is special to you like Coco is to me? I would love to hear about them, as I'm a total dog lover! ❤️

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