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Animals worshiped by humans around the world!


The cow is the most respected animal in India. There are many laws in India that make cow slaughter a punishable crime. In Hinduism, slaughtering it is a sin. In India, cows have the honor of being mothers. They enjoy freedom of movement on the streets and are decorated during festivals and celebrations. The god Krishna is the embodiment of Vishnu, which is accompanied by the cow.

The snakes

Snakes have a special place in Hindu culture. During the "Nag Benshami" Hindu worship of the serpent gods, they pray for her and offer warm milk. The festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the middle of the lunar month "Sharvan", part of the Hindu calendar. The god Shiva is depicted with a snake wrapped around his neck, and the serpent symbolizes fertility.


The dog, the best friend of man, is also worshiped by people during the "Kokur Tehar" festival in some parts of Nepal, where delicious items are served, decorated with flowers, and incense burned. In Hindu culture, the god Datatria is represented with four dogs.


Elephants are animals that have a high status in Hindu culture, the Hindu god Idol Ganisha, the son of god Shiva and Parvati has an elephant head! This god is especially celebrated in the state of Maharashtra in India. The pilgrims come to the temples to pray for elephants, which is a symbol of wisdom and courage.


Goats within the 12 Chinese towers. In the Temple of Karnak in Egypt, the sphinx is in the form of a ram. The Greek god also has the appearance of goats. The Greek mythological goddess Vonse is half human, and the other half are goats! The Greek god "Pan" is the god of the swarms, and the herd has the appearance of the goat with the tail and horns, and the legs of goats!


Hiajirava is the embodiment of the Hindu god Vishna, who is in the face of horses, a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. In Greek mythology Poseidon of the important gods, which are said to have created horses, the most beautiful animals in the world, so as to attract the goddess Demeter.


A symbol of strength and nobility in many cultures, and in Hindu culture, is a depiction of the goddess Durga, where Assad is its own vehicle. In China Assad is the protector of evils, as she guards the temples. In ancient Egypt, many gods have a lion's head.

The monkeys

Swayambunath Temple is located in Nepal's Kathmandu Valley, called the Temple of the Apes because it is sacred to them. The legend says that when Bodhisattva Mangosheere was in the process of forming the temple hill, lice turned his hair into monkeys. Hanuman Monkey God One of the most important characters in the legendary story is Ramayana.


Turkish legends say they are descendants of wolves, so Native Americans have worshiped wolves as God, a symbol of courage, endurance, intelligence, family and clarity.

The Scorpions

It is one of the birds that is revered by Native Americans. The punishment symbolizes the power of sight, the power of healing, and the freedom to realize dreams. The wearing of shark feathers is a great honor in the Native American culture. In Hindu culture, punishment is the vehicle of God Vishnu.


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