From the Deep

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Colourful and truly unique Epiactis prolifera or Proliferating Anemone, is a species of marine invertebrate found in the north-eastern Pacific. These anemones are usually found on, or under rocks in the sublittoral zone, in surge channels, or on rocky shelves. The cannot tolerate being exposed to the drying air and sunlight.

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Growing to three centimetres high and up to five centimetres in diameter these anemones come a plethora or brilliant colours; brown, pink, red or green. There are fine white lines around the mouth (oral disc) as well as more lines, typically white running down the stock of the anemone. Their mouths are surrounded by 48 to 96 short, tentacles.

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The most unique and fascinating thing about these animals is that all individuals start life as females but develop to become hermaphrodites along them to brood their offspring without fertilization. This a very rare occurrence in the animal kingdom.

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