Used aqua bottle can be a beautiful flower by hand do not forget followersd yes

Making flowers from used bottles has its own preoccupation, besides that the interest of this bottle has a high selling value. Inexpensive materials are abundant. Selling price can reach 10 times of production cost

In addition to being a critical issue today, the issue of global warming can be a business opportunity. Departing from the intention to get involved in saving the environment, later became a profitable business. Useless waste bottles can be transformed into a business with a turnover of millions of dollars per month, used bottles can be used again into a variety of creative products such as handicrafts, making flowers, making souvenirs, making crystals and others.

A lot of used materials that can be used manjadi various kinds of products, such as paper materials used, used cloth and others.

But this time we will follow a pretty interesting guide that is, how to make flowers from used bottles. Start from now take advantage of your drink bottle, and let us save the environment starting from our own, besides that there are other benefits from the bottle of the former that we will make money, of course this is for you who can catch this as a business opportunity.

Did you, by utilizing used bottles can get a turnover of up to tens of millions per month, only from the bottle used. Budi craft in Yogyakarta is able to generate turnover up to 10 million per month by utilizing used goods.

Making flowers is not just the fondness of many women from men who like this, especially those who like the world of creativity.

How do I make flowers from the bottle, ok let's start from the easy course first, if it can make with good results we will make the flowers from the next bottle which of course less complicated but the results will be much prettier again.

Let's start how to make flowers from used bottles, hopefully the image below is easy to follow.
and Equipment used in making flowers from this bottle:
Cutter / knife
Hairdriyer / candle / other heater

Flower from the bottle will be very beautiful if using a clean bottle, so clean first used bottles with water
Check back whether the bottles are clean enough, remember 1 bottle will be worth up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, this is to make our spirit in making flowers from bottles.
the bottle has been cleaned, cut using scissors or cutter, the cutter will be neater if using the above equipment, if it does not have scissors or cutter, use the kitchen knife no problem, as I often do.
After the bottle is cut in such a way it will produce like the picture above, be reminded if you like other forms please make your taste or your child can be asked for this opinion, ask them what they like from various kinds of flowers, this will make them happy because you are involved in projects like this, other benefits, this will hone their creativity.
imageFlowers from these used bottles we can use, although this is not 100% completed.

Making flowers is not finished if we continue to be creative by making other flowers, other models according to the current trend. A bottle of drinkable drink we can reuse to make various kinds of souvenirs, so not to make flowers only. A jewelry box can be made using this scrap material. In making souvenirs and flowers not only use bottles of drinking water, we can use other bottles such as medicine bottles, cosmetics and others.

An interesting experience in the flower making project by utilizing recycled materials, especially used bottles. It's so easy to make a variety of valuable items with recycled materials, how now do you feel involved in global warming. saving the environment from piles of plastic waste, making money with this kind of garbage, something easy and thrilling hobby of your wallet.

If you've been able to save the environment by making flowers from used bottles are you ready for larger projects like this ....

If you like going to this project, then we will make the next project, of course we still use materials from used bottles or we use other used materials.

If we are able to make the flowers above, are you ready to collect your drink bottles at home ?,,, and next time we will make various kinds of jewelry from the bottle, follow the guidelines here, we will make jewelry like picture below, various jewelry and souvenir made of used or used bottles. image

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