Update on Bruno

A few people have asked how Bruno is doing and I wish I had some better news. He spends about 90% of his time in the bathroom now... he'll come out to eat or go out and relieve himself. He came into the living room for about 20 minutes yesterday long enough to eat a couple treats and for me to snap this picture.

He acts like he's terrified of something- but I don't know what it is. I even started thinking that I might be sleepwalking and doing something terrible to him. But if that was the case, he'd be afraid of me, and he isn't. In fact when he comes out of his bathroom retreat he sticks to me like glue.

Another thing- when he's in the bathroom, he constantly licks the floor. This behavior in dogs is an indication that there's something lacking in their diet... but what's is it he finds on the bathroom floor??? I don't know what to do, I just try to make him as comfortable as possible. Now my commode has a bed in front of it. He's still a wonderful friend and I promised him when I got him that we'd stick it out together... I would just love to see him act a bit more normal.

I guess that's about it for now. If anyone knows anything about bathroom floor licking, please let me know.

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