The Human-Canine Bond

The Human-Canine Bond

Since the domestication of the dog, people have been draw to them (and they to us). Dogs have helped us in so many ways and expect little in return. They have hunted with us, kept vermin and pests away, served the military and police, assisted the disable and faithfully remained our loyal companions.
In turn, we care for them and maintain good quality of life.
This is more than a fair trade. In fact, it’s a downright bargain.
How did this bond become so strong? What can we do to preserve and strengthen it?
The bond you have with your dog beings the moment he/she comes into your life and never stops growing. However there are ways to reinforce the bond throughout your dog’s life. Participating in activities with your dog is the best way to do this. It can simple be as a training session, grooming routine, playtime or exercise. For more structured bonding, you can join an obedience class, start training in dog sport like agility and flyball, or participate in dog shows. One of the kindest ways to bond with your dog and allow your dog to bond with others is to get involved with pet therapy.
If your dog is right for therapy, he can visit people in the hospitals and nursing homes or help children read and learn. Your dog may be able to benefit the health and lift the spirits of people in need, all while having the time of his life.
No matter how you strengthen and preserve the human-canine bond, remember that it benefits the health and well-being of both you and your dog.DSC_0176.jpgDSC04478.JPGDSC_0068.jpgIMG_8017.JPG

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