SOS- Save Our Strays - Steem Initiative


This is Lily, she is more than 12 years old and happily living with my friend Judy who has in total seven cats in her lovely home here in Malaysia. Her family have been living in Malaysia for over 25 years and she has rescued many a stray kitten wandering around in her huge garden. I see how well kept Lily is along with all the other animals cared for by this lovely "ang moh" lady. Wouldn't it be great if all cats and dogs could enjoy their lives in such lovely homes with people who care about them like Judy.

The Cat Family
We only pray there can be more loving families like them to take in all these animals. Unfortunately the truth is that unless the government does something to stop these cats from breeding all over the place, stray cats will continue to roam the streets of Kuala Lumpur indefinitely.
Strays in Malaysia truly suffer a terrible fate should they be “street cats” or “Kuching Tong Sampah” loosely translated “ Dust Bin Cat”
These strays don’t stand a chance out on the dirty, vehicle-peppered roads of Kuala Lumpur with Malaysian Drivers who don't look where the are going and I can say this because I am Malaysian and usually a passenger.
I have actually seen cats tied up in black garbage bags and thrown out of moving vehicles on the highway! How cruel can these people be? Aren’t cats God’s creatures too?
What is the Malaysian government doing about it? You would imagine that the government would have a catch-neuter-release program like in the US or Australia. However our government doesn’t seem to care about these poor stray cats and dogs.

Touching story about the cultural shock felt by foreigners who move to Malaysia to live

The latest video on animal cruelty in Malaysia
Horrible Scenes -Please be prepared to stomach this

Catching & Culling Article

This article shows how stray animals are caught and killed by these animal catchers who are paid by private housing councils who often pay by headcount of dead animals shown. I heard that because they want to earn more money they will show the same animals to different housing councils.
These animals are considered family members in some families. Would you stand by and as people get paid for killing your family members?
Words can’t begin to express how bad I feel for these poor animals. They did not ask to be born and they definitely do not deserve to die so pointlessly!
I hope to organise a Steemit Initiative with SPCA or other animal shelters and get more Steemians to join me on an online charity to make things better for the strays. I am still researching ways we can help, so if you have any ideas on what can be done through Steemit then please DM me on discord (search for @Nikisteem and DM me there)
I hope we will be able to stand together and build a good and strong initiative to save the poor strays of Malaysia and all over the world, wherever they may be.

This is dedicated to the Cat Guardians at discord channel Caturday

Save Our Strays!


Peace, Love & Keep On Steemin' @Nikisteem

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