Casa Lothlorien Animal Rescue Sanctuary needs some Steem!!

Casa Lothlorien has been a refuge for injured or castaway animals for 4 years!
We had never intended to run a shelter of this magnitude when we took on our first little lost soul who desperately needed a family to love him, but our destiny has been laid out for us as each new animal is brought into our life.


Radar O'riley is helping me write this article...he is the smallest of the litter of 9
It was touch and go for these little pups as they contracted Parvovirus and after a sleepless week my daughter Shaney and I managed to heal them all back to health naturally...we will write another article on how we were able to save all 9 from this deadly virus. The statistics on this is a 50-50 survival rate and we managed to get them ALL healthy! They are so precious!
We will also make a future post on each one of them and their quirky ways....we are starting a youtube channel showcasing the animals and our life!

Legolas and Luthien were brought into our home one week apart, just when we thought life would be a little step 2 puppies....they are amazing little creatures of love....Legolas smiles when you call his is so adorable.

Just after the earthquake on Sept 19, 2017 that devastated our area and damaged our home, we were in crisis clean up mode, when our daughter discovered 9 puppies all huddled in a mass crying and trying to keep warm in the early morning chill here a few streets away from us. She left them to see if there was a mother present, checking on them often however by that night it was apparent that they were abandoned and were in need of a feeding. We bathed them up and removed all the fleas and ticks and fed the little ones with a syringe and a homemade concoction of milk from a recipe we found on line that we had used before with the rescue kittens. Feeding 9 hungry puppies who hadn't even had their first tooth yet was a full time job. But a labour of love for my daughter and I.


SamWise Gamgee the CAT was dropped onto the highway by a mexican boy and my beautiful husband stopped the car and picked her up and brought her home to me. She was no bigger than my hand! Our Vet said that many Mexicans don't like to keep the females in either dogs or cats. We were the lucky recipients of a beautiful friend who has been working for us full time catching rats and mice all around our home! Our vet also spays and neuters all our animals so there are no unwanted pregnancies.

Our local veterinary has been an amazing angel for our sanctuary. He has been a wonderful partner in this process, such a wise and gentle man. The other day he and his assistant came over and treated 10 of our pups for worms and one cat for mange and he charged us 180 pesos for the total bill? That is like 10 dollars! We couldn't do this if this were in Canada or the USA. The vet costs alone would bankrupt us.

We found this lil pony unable to walk and was left behind by the herds that wander free grazing in the country close to where we live. She was tiny and malnourished and in need of water. During the dry season here there is no free flowing water for the animals to drink. We got together some of our local friends and we were able to halter her and bring her home for some TLC. Again our veterinary came over and determined she had been hit by a car and had two fractures in her back leg, he gave her pain relief and some antibiotics. She has been with us now for two years. Each season when the cowboys round up their herds of wild ponies they always stop by Gweny's gate and look her over closely and then when they see she has a limp they just nod and keep on riding....
After the earthquake she took off for a day and a night from her yard and returned to us with some scratches and looking a little bedraggled, We were happy to see her but not as happy as she was to tie into her horse kibble and her veggies she gets every day!

Arwin and Indiana were hit by a car in front of our parked car while we were at the hardware store. I saw it happen and was mortified as the car drove off and left them to be hit again as they lay on the road!! I ran out of the car and saw that they had just been dazed but not run over by the tires. We took them to the vet and he checked them over and gave a pain injection and said they were to just rest for a day or so. That was a miracle. They each fit into a shoe box and the recovery was quick. The German Shepard looking one, Indiana Had an old injury on her back foot and the signs of a broken bone was evident. She had healed and luckily didn't have a limp but her back foot looks like a velociraptor claw

Arwin and Indiana

We are a nonprofit sanctuary and after the earthquake we have used up all of our funds to rebuild what we could of our home, we are in the midst of self publishing a series of books on and have been working day and night to make our monthly bills. If you have it in your heart to resteem and up vote our endeavour it would be hugely appreciated. Our Sanctuary needs have grown and the adoption process is slow, We won't let them go to just any home! We Have not actually found any suitable homes, in our area the rural Mexican people rely on animals for food and work and are not too interested in adopting pets. so we have been tightening our belts just a little more to accommodate the extra food and vet bills. Thank you for your love and support! Helping us to make the world a brighter more loving place!
A little steem goes a long way here in Mexico !
love and hugs

Namastaynpaint and Shaney

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