I Saved A Wild Mouse

Yesterday while browsing a store with my dad, he spotted a baby mouse toddling across the floor and into the bathroom. Me being a rat and overall animal lover, my brain immediately scattered to helping the little one. I couldn't collect myself for the first minute over how adorable this little floofy cotton ball was, but once I could, I ran over to the owner of the store asking for a small box. I then was able to persuade the slow and tired mouse into the box and put a few tissues in there for it's comfort. The store owner couldn't believe there was a mouse in her shop, and insisted it must have come from another store as if we were disgusted.
She told my dad someone had ran out screaming earlier- which really makes me laugh considering how tiny and innocent this little mouse was; it's not like it had the speed to scurry across someone's feet.

Knowing she would likely be killed or freeze having been separated from her family at such a young age, I decided to bring her home. I do feel it was best for her knowing they would now be setting out traps. I really would prefer to leave wildlife alone.
Once getting home I rushed and set up a little bin for her. A spoon with some water, some infant formula, some rat food, and a few Cheerios. She was immediately interested in the food. After eating, getting some fluids into her tummy, and warming up, she brightened up fast.

I decided to name her Kairi, considering the circumstances in which I was at the store- we were there to get a gift for my boyfriend, specifically a keyblade, which is a weapon from a video game called Kingdom Hearts. Kairi is the name of one of the characters.

She settled in for the night, and I made sure she kept warm by setting her bin next to my gecko's heat lamp. Just close enough it warmed the wall of the bin, but not too close. If it happened to get too warm, she had plenty of room in the bin to move away to a cooler side. She found it lovely, and slept smashed against the wall.

She has slept most of the day, but checking on her, she looked so much better.

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