Animals who have 'night watch' glasses

This little animal appearing above the Tarasier name is known for its big and bright eyes.

Tysier's eyes, found in Southeast Asia, are equal to his brain. He can not rotate the pupil of the eyes; If he has to see something around him, he has to make his whole head rotate on that side.

But these horror eyes of Tarsier are also his specialness, because he can easily see them in the dark darkness too easily. Regardless of how dark it may be, the insects and small trees can not escape from the sight of the torseer.

Professor Jeff Boxless of London's Natural History Museum explains, "Tarsier looks like a single color, his eyes are so beautiful that he can gather every last photo of the light."

"His eyes are like night-vision glasses that can be seen in the night."

Jeff is the science lead of a new exhibition set in Britain by the National Health Mission of Britain. The theme of this exhibition is Life in the Dark.

There are many wonderful creatures who adopt unique ways to preserve their existence. At the same time, the incredible art of seeing them in the dark also comes.

The exhibition of Natural History Museum will showcase some of the best species. Some of these are known to you - like Bat.

Some of these creatures will be new to you because they have been recently discovered. Many of them live in caves so many are found in the depths of the ocean.


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