Are we human beings responsible for destroying mother-child bonding in animals?

It is a natural instinct in all creatures that they love and care their offsprings.

In India's leading daily English newspaper, this news was really positive in the way that we human beings have forgotten that not only human beings, all creatures love and care for their children. It is a very common perspective that in animals the only mother take care her children but as this news says that in Gir Sanctuary an Asiatic lion has single-handedly raised three cubs. The cubs were barely three months old when their mother got electrocuted while entering a farm. The cubs are now aged two.
This happened because they were living in their natural habitat. But when human beings interfere in the natural life of any animal for their selfish purposes, it becomes impossible for animals to explore their natural feelings towards their children.

How are we depriving animals of this natural instinct of love and care?

We can understand this by some examples

Pet Culture
Raising a pet has become a fashion all over the world and people keep pets for companionship. No doubt a pet lover take care of his/her pet the best, but the main concern is that do we ever think from animal's point of view? What actually a pet feel? It is not easy to understand a pet's feeling but it is a very natural thing that all creatures love to live in their own community and pet like dog/birds or aquarium fishes also a sentient beings and obviously would prefer to live in their community if have any choice.

Puppies are separated from their mother and ready for sale to so-called animal lovers

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Whenever anybody wants to keep a pet like a dog he prefers to bring a puppy so it becomes easy to make him friendly and the owner of a puppy or so-called animal lover takes care at his best, he doesn't want his pet to suffer any pain. But, a pet lover never thinks of a pain/shock he has given him in his tender age and this is the pain of rupturing a bond of mother-child love! This pain can be easily experienced by us by just thinking that how a mother and a baby would suffer if a newborn baby of human being separated forever within a week from his mother.
This is not the only suffering but just a start of endless suffering till death. A pet can never live his natural life but only dependent on his owner, just like a prisoner dependent on jailer for all his needs. A prisoner might have committed some crime but these innocent animals don't.

Consuming Dairy Products
Yes, consuming dairy products also responsible for the same crime we human beings are doing knowingly and unknowingly. Calves are always separated from his/her mother so that we can steal the milk of animal for our consumption. In most of the cases, male calves are sent to the slaughterhouse for calf leather and we never care the pain we give to mother and calf by separating them forever within a week or less after being born.

Calves are on the way to slaughterhouse

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There are other similar examples where this crime happens like train an elephant calf for our selfish objectives, killing a baby got for food ( As I came across a post where a person was dedicating a recipe of mutton of a baby goat to his mother on mother's day!), killing newborn chicks in egg industry etc.
These cruel examples of breaking the bond of love in mother-child of any animal for our selfish needs make us an inhuman instead of a human being.

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