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Hi beloved Stemians, Welcome to my Top#5 I hope you like it! So Share and Follow me for more.-


You will find images of animals photoshoped so that they have similarity with certain pokemon. I do not know RICK, it seems false.- But in this video besides listing the best 10 pokemon that exist in real life, I went beyond placing animals that besides having a lot of similarity with these pokemon, these species are in danger Of extinction and could cease to exist in the near future if something is not done to prevent it.-
That is why BETODETH welcomes you and today I bring you:




Croagun, is a poison-type Pokemon introduced in the fourth generation as the pokemon number 453. In the video game the pokedex or personal computer, it describes to us Croagun like a Pokémon that has bags poisonous in the cheeks and that surprises its rivals To poison them.- In real life resembles a venomous dart frog of the Amazon, specifically to the DARK BLUE FROG. Frog that lives normally in wet marshes, communicates by expanding the mouth sacs of its cheeks. These bags store a powerful poison and can use it through your fingers.-




MANAPHY is a unique water-type Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation as the Pokémon 490. It is a very rare Pokémon and enters the category of legendary pokemon. And is said to heal water Pokémon with their mystical powers. In real life this small part of the species of Clionids, commonly known as sea angels, are a family of mollusks, gelatinous and transparent. They only have shells in their embryonic stage. They are tiny, barely five centimeters at their maximum size. Clonidoses use their wings-like parts for rhythmic locomotion and it is their way of communicating. These "wings" are attached to the front of the body. Thanks to global warming is rare to meet these species of mollusks and are increasingly seen less.-




KABUTO is a fossil Pokémon of type rock and water, introduced in the first generation like the pokemon number 140, Kabuto is a Pokémon regenerated from a fossil since this according to the series and the video games is an extinct pokémon.- In the Plot of the series tell us that its shell has a substance that grants eternal life, and in real life these peculiar animals are known to have the most expensive blood in the world, which is quoted at about 15,000 to 20,000 dollars a liter Blood, this blood is studied thanks to its property as an antibody, that makes that species of crabs survived from ancient times, but thanks to human evil are in danger of extinction .-


7: SANDLASH / pangolin


The number 28 Earth-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation called Sandslash, which is the evolution of sandstrew.- Sandslash is coated with hard prongs that are hardened parts of the skin. Beneath the old prongs grow new ones that replace them. In real life it resembles the aspect of a porcupine or pangolin as it is popularly said, namely the PANGOLÍN ARBORÍCOLA which inhabits in Africa.- These animals are the object of an extended and often intensive exploitation for the trafficking of illegal meat and Traditional medicine in Africa, and are by far the pangolines most commonly found in poaching markets. This species has suffered a decrease of 20-25% in the last 15 years due mainly to the impact of poaching for meat. It is another clear example of the damage that humanity causes.-




MAGIKARP is the Pokémon number number 129 of type water introduced in the first generation. The game describes the sad example of a Pokémon capable of only jumping and splashing. And that this behavior led scientists to study it in depth. His real-life pair is the YELLOW EYE ROCK, which inhabits rococo areas of the Pacific Ocean. It is prized for its rich flesh, and was declared in 2002 as a species with overfishing, its population has been decreasing since the 80's Currently accounting for only 25% of these, are scarce due to their excessive commercial use and low reproduction since they do not reach their reproductive period until they are 10 to 20 years old.


5: Shellos


SHELLOS is a watertype Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. They are characterized by having two different forms depending on whether they are born in the east or the west. Like the multiple colors of their animal in real life, the CHROMODORIS LOCHI is a species of hermaphrodite mollusk, After fertilization they produce larvae, which have a shell to protect themselves during the larval phase, and that, by evolving to their shape Definitive, lose it. As it indicates in the description of the game, both the pokemon and the mollusk, they release a toxin to defend itself. - This rare species inhabits certain reefs, Unfortunately After the phenomenon of "El Niño" it warms the oceans to levels never Before seen, enormous sectors of coral reefs that used to be full of life, now are ghost towns that disintegrate in the sea and to follow that phenomenon we will not be able to see these tiny creatures.




MIGHTYENA is a sinister-type Pokémon introduced in the third generation. It is the evolved form of Poochyena. Although in the game its pre-evolution pochiena we found it in lots, in the real life, resembles in great part to Mexican gray lobe.- The Mexican wolf is the smaller species of the thirty subspecies of wolf in North America. Its shape and size are similar to those of a medium dog.- In 1976 it was declared a threatened species, and has remained so ever since.

Efforts to recover the Mexican wolf began between 1977 and 1980 with the last specimens that were captured in Mexico. During that time the "Plan for the survival of the Mexican wolf" was created and in both the United States of America and in Mexico, a program of recovery in captivity was initiated where the specimens are reproduced and later released.
At the beginning of 1990 some authors considered that there were scarcely 10 wolves left but it was not confirmed. The wolf population is only 260 between the United States and Mexico.



And like not knowing Pikachu, which is an electric type Pokémon introduced in the first generation. In addition to being the best known Pokémon in history, mostly for being the companion of the protagonist of the anime, Ash Ketchum and the mascot INSIGNIA, representative of the franchise of Pokémon throughout the world.- Let me tell you that this Pokémon as the connoisseurs You know, is based on an endangered animal called as ILI PIKA whose scientific name is (Ochotona iliensis), this animal is a species of lagomorph mammal of the family Ochotonidae, to which also belong the rabbits and Hares With its tail reaches 20 centimeters in length, it is herbivorous and inhabits the rugged areas of mountainous areas. It inhabits in the mountains of Tian Shan of the northwest of China. It lives in hollows made between the earth at a height between 2800 meters and 4000 meters. They live isolated in the high part of the mountain, reason why their habitats are constantly fragmented. Currently there are less than 1000 specimens, so this species is one of the most threatened in the world.-




KROKODILE: is a ground / sinister Pokémon introduced in the fifth generation with the number 553. It is the evolved form of Krokorok. It is a rather violent Pokémon. He attacks everything that moves before him with his deadly jaws. In real life it is based on the ganges gavial, a rare species of crocodile that is in critical danger of extinction.- The gavial inhabits the marshy areas of northern India. It is estimated that there are just under 200 in the world, is dying because of the overfishing of small fish practiced by locals. As this animal only feeds on these fish, it is being gradually extinguished due to the scarcity of food.




Wooper is a water / earth type Pokémon introduced in the second generation with the number 194. In the game they describe it as follows: Wooper usually lives in the water, but it is also possible to see him on land in search of food. When it is in firm ground, it is covered with a toxic viscous film. In real life this pokemon is based on a small animal called, only inhabits in the valley of Mexico, concretely in the lake and channel system of XOCHIMILCO.- The ajolote has been in the life of the Mexicans since the time of the Aztecs . According to Aztec mythology, the ajolote, is related to the god Xolotl, brother of Quetzalcoatl. When the gods were to be sacrificed to set the Fifth Sun in motion, Xolotl hid himself by entering into the water, where he became an amphibian called axolotl. Finally, the executioner caught him and killed him. It is a species that is in a super critical state, due to contamination of the waters, but also by the introduction of species of fish that compete or depredate the ajolote. Other causes of its serious state of conservation include the overexploitation and capture as food, by its supposed medicinal uses and for the trade of pets. -


Please SHARE this post to raise awareness to the population and I hope that the Mexican authorities make the possible to conserve the life Of these magnificent beings of the Mexican culture.

And these are 10 POKEMON IN EXTINCTION DANGER THAT EXIST IN REAL LIFE.- I invite you to THUMBS UP ✌ if you like.- give your opinion about these POKEMONS & ANIMALS In the comments. And I invite you to suggest topics for my next top ten! Thanks for your time , Have a great great day or night! FOLLOW ME For more fun facs #thingsyoudidnotknow

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