Fastest Animals in the World. (Learning Thanks to Steemit)

Esteemed greetings from Steemit today I want to share with you curiosities of the animal kingdom, without a doubt that it does not stop to surprise me the diversity and ample range of animals that exist​ in this world. Today I will talk about the most powerful at the time of running, flying and swimming; Perhaps you have asked yourself which creature is the fastest, or which one flies the fastest; Well, here is a small gallery for us to learn more about these magnificent beings who are with us in the world and who attract a lot of attention for their incredible abilities ...

Cheetah or Cheetah (The Fastest on Earth)

The cheetah or as best known a ​ cheetah is a beautiful feline of great size that we find mostly in African countries. It is known to be the fastest carnivorous predator of all on the planet earth. This incredible animal reaches impressive speeds of between 112 and 120 kilometers per hour, covering relatively short distances of around 500 meters. It can accelerate from zero to 100 kilometers per hour in three seconds. Studies by experts in the field have determined that it is an animal so fast that it would exceed the acceleration capacity of a large number of cars, and even today many vehicle manufacturers have inspired several models in the spirit of this born hunter. The cheetah is the only feline that has non-retractable claws and can not climb trees vertically.

The most impressive thing about nature is that I reward this great runner; its tremendous speed is not only given by the shape of its body and the power contained in its four legs, but also because its nostrils are larger, these allow it to enter more oxygen during a race, coupled with this characteristic we find that his heart is larger than normal, which allows the circulation of more blood. His body is even more incredible and aerodynamic because with the tail manages to maneuver during his career, giving faster turns to reach his prey.


Sailfish (The Fastest in Water)

If the cheetah surprised you with its speed and incredible characteristics, it is time for you to meet, the sailfish is an incredible representative of the aquatic world. Sailfish are seen in warm regions of all the oceans of the world. It is visually recognizable by its blue-gray color and by an erectile dorsal fin with the appearance of a sail, undoubtedly a source of inspiration for manufacturers of avant-garde craft models. Like other fish, it has a pointed beak that resembles a sword and facilitates feeding. It can reach 3 meters long throughout its life and reach the amazing speed of 110 kilometers per hour, being the fastest.

Besides being the fastest, it is also part of one of the most incredible and strange fish species; its dorsal fin makes it easier not only to appear larger in front of its predators ​but also to give incredible and continuous jumps out of the water. Another outstanding feature is that you can change color according to your mood or the message you want to convey: when you are excited, your colors are brighter so that your prey gets confused and capture is easier.


Peregrine Falcon (The Fastest in the Clouds)

We now got​ the ​ aerial territory where we find the peregrine falcon. This incredible specimen of bird of prey belongs to the family of hawks and has a large size. The peregrine falcon, has an incredible body, has a bluish gray back and its head is black, with a sort of mustache.

But if the speed of the cheetah or the sailfish could sound surprising, that of the peregrine falcon is simply amazing and terrifying. When it is determined to capture a prey, this species of bird can reach 325 kilometers per hour, which makes it the fastest animal in the world. Some specimens have even reached the astronomical speed of 389 kilometers per hour; it can measure between 34 and 58 cm in length, its wings allow it to obtain a greater impulse; Although its diet is based mostly on medium-sized birds, it can also occasionally feed on small reptiles and mammals. At present, many vehicle manufacturers have been inspired by this incredible animal to design aerodynamic models capable of achieving incredible speeds on the pavement.
The peregrine falcon can be found in almost any region of the Earth, except in polar zones, very high mountains or tropical forests.


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