My fishy story 🐟🐠

As a home buddy guy, i make sure that i have the most relaxing place to end the stressful day. And these fish tanks with a sound of flowing water would really make you relaxed from the busy day you had.

Since i was a kid, we used to have a small fish tank of 4 gourami fishes. Not worrying in buying those fish since we just need to catch them alive from the small canal just beside our house. Until elementary years, me and my cousins set up a rectangular box made of wood, covered with thick plastic and filled it with water. And with lots of aqua plants and different varieties of fish like molly, platy and guppy which we bought just outside the school gate. We even tried trading fishes from our neighbors according to their sizes and colors.

And when i reached my secondary years, we shifted to the city and was not able to bring those fishes. But it doesn't stop me from continuing my passion. We're lucky enough since someone gave us a medium size aquarium tank which i used for my flowerhorn fish. It grows huge as it was alone since then. Until I went here in UAE, my mother informed me that it jumped from the tank and she was not able to save it. (Poor fish) It only lived for 10 years.

It took 2 years for me here in abroad before im able to continue my passion. Started my first tank with goldfish and koi. Then for my second tank, i tried my first aquascape which is more on natural aquarium plants. Its like doing landscaping on your frontyard, but its done inside your tank.


Until @djjonas introduced cichlid fish. It's as colorful as salt water fishes and has different varieties. They are aggressive and carnivorous fish. What amaze me is that most of these kind store and hatch eggs in their mouth. Cool isn't it! FB_IMG_1517338061942.jpg And lastly, the 4th tank is for the babies (cichlids) hatched 2 months ago.1517338499078-1944382404.jpg

That's all for now #steemians and here are the sneak peeks of my fishes.! _20180130_222958.jpg

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