Cheetal Axis Deer From India Invasive in Hawaii : #Animalphotography

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This young male buck is known by many names including Chital, Cheetal, or Axis Deer. It is native to forests of India and since it is a tropical deer, it was brought to Hawaii, specifically to the island of Moloka'i (molo-kah-ee) for hunting purposes. Quite the voracious eater, this little deer has caused some worry for communities on neighbor islands in Hawaii, who seek to restore native forests to a more pristine state (prior to invasive flora and fauna introduction).

At one point local hunters brought these deer over to the island of Hawai'i, also known as the big island, to enjoy hunting them. Local authorities and forest conservationists had to go to great lengths to remove them and some may even still remain in remote valleys and heavily forested areas. Though I was educated on and involved in tropical forest restoration in Hawaii, being an animal lover, I could not bring myself to demonize these beautiful creatures.

I do love native Hawaiian forests but today many aspects of their ecology have changed. From the introduction of mosquitoes that spread bird malaria killing off many bird species to the introduction of vigorously growing plants that crowd out the forests. If you looked back 200 years ago Hawaiian forests would be very different from even the most pristine and remote locations of native hawaiian forests today.

It is true these deer select native plants for their sweet and delicate leaves that are absent of bitterness and toxins, but it is difficult for me to relate with fellow conservationists when they speak of these beautiful deer as though they were the plague. Ah the struggles of an animal lover who strived to help the Earth through forest restoration and conservation...

Though this deer was enclosed at a big island zoo in the city of Hilo, it was nice to see such a handsome young buck so up close and personal without conservationists and hunters on his tail. It is curious though, could these be captured deer or could they be the escapees that caused an uproar amongst local forest conservationists?

Hope you found this interesting and thanks for taking a look... This photo I took is my #animalphotography entry for #photo #contests @juliank

Have a great day!

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