Metamorfosis Steemian

Terinspirasi dari sekumpulan berudu yang saya liat di perjalan sore tadi. Terlihat jelas bahwa begitu lemah dan kecil mereka, bakan hanya teelihat hilir mudik ditempat itu saja.

Nah begitu pula keadaan kami stemian baru disini, kecil tak bisa terlalu berpengaruh, bakan terhadap diri sendiri

Tapi percayalah ini hanya proses kawan-kawan. Tak selamanya berudu itu kecil, mereka akan bermetamorfosis menjadi katak besar.

Dan suaaru saat kita pun akan besar seperti para luratoe sukses disini, atau bisa jadi kita akan jadi se ekor paus disini.

In english:

Inspired by the collection of tadpoles I saw on the journey this afternoon. It is clear that they are so weak and small that they are just looking back and forth in that place.

Well as well as our new stemian situation here, small can not be too influential, Even for yourself

but believe me this is just a process my friends. Not always tadpoles are small, they will metamorphose into big frogs.

And then when we are going to be big like the successful luratoe here, or maybe we'll be a whale tail here

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