AnimalMomentium #5 - Give and take with nature

Welcome back reader to the continuation of the experimental series AnimalMomentium. 

To start from post one click here

Last post my mate @khagen8te showed us some pictures of a polluted waterline and dont forget that graphic picture of the turtle. 

A particular point that really stuck with me was a reminder that us humans are at the top of the food chain and when your in charge (or at the top) you have power and responsibility...based on some of the posts so far, it seems like humans are behaving pretty irresponsible on this planet and not being accountable or acting like we are in charge of all?one might even say we are abusing our powers.

I wrote previously about systems and how human based systems are based on language and how it's impossible for animals to truly understand our systems as a result.

This week I will make my post brief, and contemplate give and take systems.

Here is a quick table of giving and sharing, comparing how natural system don't ask for anything back and how humans systems nearly always do.

...Not saying this table is totally correct.  I created it as a way to help people open their minds and think about whats going on around us. Green is good/the way of nature and asks for little or nothing in return - maintaining balance and thus is sustainable. Orange is BAD! and is not balance, is not natural and is more about taking then giving.

Next time I will provide some examples of symbiotic relationships between animals and humans and animals and plants and how balance can be achieved when things work together in a sustainable way.

Q. For my friend @khagen8te - Does this table make any sense to you bro?

All the best

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