AnimalMomentium #1 - Defining the door vs. being shown so you can walk through

Welcome reader to a new experimental series of posts exclusive to Steemit. Myself and my friend @khagen8te have decided to call this series AnimalMomentium.

The Plan

My mate @khagen8te and I often have fairly deep discussions about whats going on around us, we are very different people, but we share a common passion towards natures rights (human and animal) and we both recognize we have a simple common high-level objective, we want to help this planet and the life on it....

Each week one of us is going to do a post on something which is on our mind, something which we each believe could influence the world, to make it a better place. There are no boundaries, we can choose any topic, we can use pictures, we can make it a competition, doesn't matter, it just needs to contribute to our common objective and help us to learn something new about each other.

That's about as far a the plan has gone, the rest we are just going to leave to fate and Steemit.

Sounds simple enough?....hardly, but lets give it a go

The rules

  • Every post has to somehow do something to help the planet, whether that is through increasing awareness in others, by unlocking hidden talents within, by fund raising or just sharing an idea, it has to in some way contribute towards our common goal
  • We must take it in turns, this week it is my turn, next week is his
  • We must make a detailed reply to each others post within the first couple of days of posting. I'm not talking a "great post dude!" reply, it needs to be detailed and share our own personal thoughts, feelings and reflections about the other persons post. In short the  reply must also contribute to our common objective.
  • The reply must totally be the truth from the other persons perspective, no lies, no deception...what did they truly think about the post, how did it make them feel? deep personal feeling shared - no restraint, even if it ends the friendship outright!

This weeks post by @lordnigel - Defining the door

I believe one of the biggest issues humans face today is the way we believe we are living an evolved life.... That we are some how better then the plants and animals, the earth the air, the sun..the things that sustain us. I believe we lie to ourselves on a daily basis about many things, that a system designed to help us is also destroying us and that our balance is off and getting worse. The challenge for me is how to get others to even contemplate the possibility, explain the possible cause and finally give people an idea on how to change the situation (not just for themselves but for all living things)....and most importantly how to do this without people thinking your a freak!

Being a analytical type, I've decided to create a series of scenario challenges to help people remove the veil. I'm not sure how successful they will be, but I think a small step at a time over a series of weeks might do the trick, as long as I make the objective clear and stick to it. The aim isn't to show people what I think is the right way, it's to show people the way it is! the whole ugly truth. Then hopefully people will use the only true freedom they have and make up their own minds, i.e. I'm not going to try and show you the door and let you choose to walk through it, instead I'm going to help you try and define it. 

Scenario challenge one:

I want you to imagine just for a time that Magic is real (we all know it's not, but for the duration of this post, please just allow your mind to accept the possibility it was). 

Now armed with this truth, how would you know if someone had cast a spell on you? how would you know you had a spell on you if the purpose of the spell was not to harm you (in fact the spell protects you, makes you feel safe), but to subdue and fool you, the soul purpose of the spell is to simply make your believe that magic isn't true (and therefore why would you even consider you had a spell controlling you?)... Now hold this thought in your mind, while I ask you two important questions about this situation.

1. How would you know you had the spell on you? I mean there is a spell on you...As far as your aware it's all good right? practically, reasonably, what tell tale signs might remain that even if the most clever spell on you was cast they couldn't hide, what might you do to open your mind enough to consider the possibility that a thing called magic exists, a thing you can't even define and in your mind is not real.

2. Would you want to know? I mean if the realization of the truth was terrifying, if it meant your whole life was a lie, and that you might be afraid....isn't it better not to know the truth? (I mean your safe, your family is safe...why even go there?)

I'm going to call this a competition - except the prize is low, for anyone who answers both questions, I will give the promise of a 100% upvote.

To my dear friend - how does this post make you feel old pal @khagen8te, looking forward to seeing your answers to the two questions above :)

See next post here:

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